Pt. 6 {Hickey}

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Once you finished getting dressed you open the door to leave the bedroom all of a sudden you hear your phone buzzing.

It was your mom informing you about the switch to go back to your home with your family.

Hi hun. Your father and I decided that we might want you to come home a little bit early this year so instead of having you stay for the full year we are going to have you join in the next couple of months.

What? Why so early?

We think it would be best if you go to a better more, educational collage than the one you're going to now. Your grades for you classes are all A's and it seems to be too easy for you.

Rolling your eyes at the text mom sent you, you didn't respond leaving her on read. Although you saw this coming sooner or later. 'Mom has no idea what i've been through. It's extremely hard keeping up my grades just for mom and dad to be happy with me.' You thought as you put your phone into the pocket of the sweats Armin gave you.

You walk downstairs and hear that there is no more loud music and see that more than half of the people that were there before were sitting around the living room ether sleeping or watching the tv.

Once you walked passed the main living room and to the hallway from when Bertholdt told you where Armin was. The door was closed but only before you opened it.

Mostly everyone was still there, Armin saw you immediately and his eyes scanned you. A shy smile could be seen spread soon his face seeing you in his oversized clothes. He pats a spot next to him where you can sit, you happily oblige.

Connie playfully nudged Sashas shoulders to talk about what they think happened between you and Armin when Connie realized that Sasha was way passed out.

"No more truth or dare?" You ask.

"Heh! Why? you wanna go round two with Arm-" Jean got cut off by Mikasa looking at him and shaking her head disappointedly. Jean never finished his sentence.

"Nah it got kinda dull when you two left, we got really tired." Nicolo yawned. As you scan your eyes across the room Annie, Sasha and Marco were all sleeping.

Everyone who was still awake was watching the movie while you layed in Armins chest slowly drifting to sleep as Armin rubbed your back.

< time skip to when you wake up >

When you opened your eyes they got blinded by the bright light from the sun pouring out the window. You look and see Armin passed out under you. After gazing for a little bit you get up to clean the room up a bit until you got a huge pain in your lower back throbbing. And your wince. Gaining back your balance you made it to the nearest bathroom taking off your shirt you gasp in shock.

There were hickey marks all over your torso. You sit on the toilet wondering how you could coverall of these marks but the marks also gave you a sense that, Armin marked you. Those are Armin's hickeys that lay all over your body. A rush of sudden confidence overflows your bloodstream. 'Fuck yeah' You repeat to yourself.

A knock on the door disturbed your moment.

A voice called out your name and then "you in there?"

You quickly put the shirt back on, with hickeys still being seen all over your neck. As you opened the door you saw Armin on the other side of the door.

"Thank goodness, I thought you ran away!" He chuckled to himself until he saw the hickeys that grew on your neck. He kisses your cheek and then your neck softly over one of the many hickeys making you freeze in your place and he whispers with a smile "You are so beautiful~, how about we go and eat breakfast"

He grabs your hand gently and guides the both of you the the kitchen. You smelled bacon and pancakes "Are you a good cook?" He looks at you and bragged,

"You can be the judge of that" he laughs and pulls out a seat for you and him. He sits across from you.

Armin asked if you had something to do for today and you shake your head 'no' while eating mouthfuls of food he went on, "perfect!okay so, Plans for today, GO!" He points at you to give him ideas with his fork. You sat there confused. He then informs you that you are going to hang out with him today. You start to think of what to do.

"Well i can't go out in public looking like offense!" Pointing to your hickeys showing on your neck and at your outfit.

"Aw but my cloths look so good on you" he whined sarcastically then hummed, "so the mall then?"

"Ah! I was thinking of going to my house but," Armins eyes lit up as you said those words.

He took a gulp of water and went on, "perfect your house first....then the mall?"

"Do you like the mall?" You ask. He happily nods his head yes. You smile.

Armin saw that you finished your plate (which was suuupperrr delicious btw) and asked if you wanted him to make more, even though he could tell you were stuffed, you said no thank you. Armin got up to wash the dishes.

"Okay so, your house, the mall...then what?" He asked.

You weren't used to getting this much attention from a person let alone a guy, it made you feel special, and happy. You didn't want this moment to end.

"Is that a no?" He asked.

"Sorry! Say that again" you completely zoned out on accident.

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to the beach or something" he sat back down in his seat gazing into your eyes. "I have a secret place~" he claimed as he wiggled his shoulders.

You laugh and respond, "that sounds amazing!" Immediately Armin got super excited.

"Ah! What about all of these people?" You point to a couple of people still passed out from the night before. He explains that he has people that help him. Making you realize how rich this kid is.

Armin runs upstairs after your conversation giving you the opportunity to search through your phone. When Armin comes back he's all dressed and has a bag in his left hand with his phone and car keys in his right.

"Your clean clothes are in here, you all set to head out?" He exclaims. You happily get up and walk out the door with him.

His silver shiny car was stirring in his garage with two other cars both looking super fancy and sporty. You ask him why he doesn't use those ones and he explains that it gives him too much attention that he doesn't want. You fully understand.

You get into his silver car remembering it from last time. He rests his left hand on the steering wheel and his right on the gear shift. He puts on sunglasses before looking at you and saying, "today's gonna be fun" with a smirk that made you smile,

"We'll see about that pretty boy" you respond as Armin pulls out of the garage heading to your house.

[end of pt. 6]

(Sorry if it's too long, love you all!! <3)

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