Chapter 1

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"Just close your eyes, the sun is going down. You'll be alright, no one can hurt you now." sang Momza, holding baby Tommy in her arms.

Tommy had woken up and started cry because of the thunderstorm outside. Any loud sounds had scared him. Momza held him close to her and kept singing to him until he feel asleep. She smiled and gently put him down into his crib. She wiped the tears from his face and walked out of the room.

She opened the door a little to look at her sleeping baby. Tommy was sleeping peacefully, even the thunder didn't wake him. She smiled and shut the door behind her. Kristen knew she had made him happy once again.


Philza awoke from a loud thud from the kitchen and yelling. The boys must've been awake. He looked over at his clock, which said 8:23, and got up. The yelling continued. They were fighting over something. 

Phil opened the door and smelled smoke. He panicked and ran towards the kitchen, where the boys were. His black wings dragging behind him, pants that he tripped over a couple times, and his shirt that fluttered in the wind of his running. Turning the corner he saw that Wilbur was cooking something with Technoblade trying to grab something from the cabinet above him, and Tommy and Tubbo playing with their little toys on the floor. Smoke was rising from the stove that Wilbur cooked on, Phil ran over and shut it off.

"Wilbur, Techno, what are you doing?" Phil asked tired.

"We were cooking something for you, but Techno almost set the house on fire." Wilbur said.

"Heh?! What do you mean?! You were the one cooking, I was grabbing the plate for you!" Techno yelled.

Tommy and Tubbo both stopped playing with their toys and looked up at the three of them. They were both 5 years old and not understanding the situation. Phil threw away the burnt food and picked Tommy up. He put him in one of the chairs, at the table, and then did the same with Tubbo. Wilbur and Techno also sat down, both giving each other the death glare.

"Did you feed Tommy and Tubbo?" asked Phil, grabbing the pancake mix.

"No, we tried, but they wouldn't eat anything." Wilbur said.

"I wonder why." Techno said sarcastically.

"Hey!" Wilbur yelled.

Wilbur and Techno started to fight, while Phil heated up the stove for the pancakes. The fight soon ended with Techno pinning Wilbur down to the ground and not letting him go. Tommy and Tubbo were laughing down at Wilbur and cheering Techno on.

"Techno, let go of your brother." Phil said, pouring the pancake mix into the pan.

"Yeah, let go of  me!" Wilbur said.

Techno let go of Wilbur and went back to the table. Phil rolled his eyes and went back to cooking breakfast. He then made some coffee and poured it into one of his mugs. Once the pancakes were done, Phil placed them down on the table and the four boys all got their share. Each of them fought over the syrup. Phil sat there silently, drinking his coffee, listening to the boys talk.

"Dad, I had a dream last night about bees!" Tubbo said cheerfully.

Even though Tubbo wasn't his real son, he let him call him dad. Ever since Schlatt gave Tubbo to Phil, he took care of him ever since.

"That's very nice Tubbo. Did you play with them?" asked Phil.

"No, I just sat in the grass and watched them from under a tree."

"That sounds boring." Tommy said.

"You're boring." Tubbo told Tommy.

They all laughed, while Tommy started to gently push Tubbo away from him in a playful way. Those two always got in some sort of trouble and always had to be looked after. He can't leave them alone ever.

"Hey, what're we gonna do today?" asked Wilbur.

"You four are gonna stay home, I'm going to the End. I need to work there a little longer." Phil said taking a sip from his mug.

"Why can't we go with you?" asked Tommy.

"There are many endermen there and a endless void. I can't be loosing any of you to either. I'll be back tonight, don't worry." Phil said, "Why don't you boys think of something to do while I'm gone. You could build something outside."

"We could build a potato." Techno said.

"When are you ever gonna shut up about potatoes?" Wilbur was annoyed.

"When I die, which is never. Remember Technoblade never dies."

"Can we go to the Nether?" Tommy said standing up on his chair.

"Absolutely not. There is more danger there then the End. There's lava, piglins, and blazes. You can't go into the Nether without me. Understand?" Phil said sternly.

Tommy sank back down into his chair and nodded. He crossed his arms and went back to eating the rest of his food. The boys talked a little more before agreeing on just having fun today. They were just gonna mess around and play.

Phil drank the rest of his coffee and stood up. He went into his room and got dressed. Putting on his cloak in the living room, he watched the boys clean up their plates. Phil held his hat and felt happy to have all of them. They were all precious to him. He hugged them all and told them that Techno was in charge. None of them agreed, but since Techno was stronger, they didn't say anything.

Phil walked outside and took of to the sky. The rush he felt when the air hit is face made him feel like he was walking on air. It was the one thing that felt freeing. He looked over his shoulder, back down at the house, to see the boys all standing at the front door waving at him. He waved back and kept flying towards the End portal.

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