Lies lies lies...

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before i start writing my story i want to thank elia3jxh
thank you sooo much your words made me get up and write this part i love you.

Y/N s pov:
i couldn't sleep all night, i was thinking about erik about the kiss and that evening in general.i was the happiest person  yesterday but i think it will be better if we wont talk about yesterday to others especially lyle i dont think he will be happy and yes i know what you are think i know that he will be even more mad if we keep this secret from him but even we dont know what this "thing" is called so i think it will be better if erik and i talk about this privately. oh god everything is even more complicated now.

I dressed up because today menendez family is coming over for a dinner but with a special guest erik and lyles cousin Andy cano, to be honest i have never met him but i have heard that he is very handsome and most importantly very good friend of the menendez brothers, he owns about 30% percent of the family business so you can say Andy is pretty important person, i am very pleased to meet him.

I dressed up because today menendez family is coming over for a dinner but with a special guest erik and lyles cousin Andy cano, to be honest i have never met him but i have heard that he is very handsome and most importantly very good friend of t...

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Lyles pov:
i know something happened yesterday, i just know it . since erik came back home he hasnt been the same , he is doubtfuly happy and i know my brother, i know how much he likes Y/N but i am too scared to loose her and yes i admit i am jealous of him . god i need to do something about it i cant sit and hope it was another girl and not her when iam fully sure that it was in fact Y/N..

*in the menendez mansion*
Erik: hey brother whatcha doing
lyle: nothing
Erik: somebody is mad todayy
Lyle: and somebody is doubtfuly happy today is there anything you want to tell me erik?

*said lyle with anger on his face*

Erik: chill lyle..nothing i just..nope nothing i just got even better at my tennis practice thats it.
lyle: tennis right? tennis..
erik: yup tennis.. anyways when is Andy going to be here we cant be late for the dinner
Lyle: why is anyone special waiting for you there?
erik: fix your attitude
lyle: fix your ability to lie
erik: EXCUSE ME?
*jose walks into the room with andy*
jose: boys what is this all about , suck it up and meet andy
Andy: brothers i missed you both very much
lyle: *mumbles* this is not over.
lyle and erik decided to act like nothing happened at least for now and talk later about it.
*at baldacci family's place*

Y/Ns pov:
here they come they both look amazing but who is that.. andy? oh my goodness literally oh my god. he looks amazing . they all look like mafia bosses they kinda are but lets not talk about that i will tell that story next time. lyle looks kind of angry and didnt say a single word to me the whole night, erik on the other hand wouldn't stop staring at me i liked it i really did but i didn't want to make it so obvious. Andy..gosh his spanish accent is so sexy, i could listen to him all day long but i didnt want erik to feel jealous so i acted like i was just interested in the business storys.

gosh his spanish accent is so sexy, i could listen to him all day long but i didnt want erik to feel jealous so i acted like i was just interested in the business storys

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its already 11pm menendez family decided to stay for a night because jose was too drunk to drive and to be honest they were having a great time. but Y/N got bored so she decided to go outside to get some fresh air but first she changed her clothes and wore something more comfortable.

Y/Ns pov:i decided to go outside i cant stand listening to joses and stefanos chat all day long , but first i changed my clothes , the sky was beautiful, the moon was beautiful, the stars were beautiful

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Y/Ns pov:
i decided to go outside i cant stand listening to joses and stefanos chat all day long , but first i changed my clothes , the sky was beautiful, the moon was beautiful, the stars were beautiful. when i was a little girl me and lyle would always lay down and watch the sky and when we saw a shooting star we always made a wish it was a tradition of us but as lyle grew up i think he forgot about it. god i feel so bad even tho i was very happy yesterday when i saw lyle today i knew something wasnt right..i betrayed him, i betrayed our friendship.

Y/n looked like a fairy laying down staring at the sky, she couldn't see anything around her it looked like she was in her own world and no one should have entered it but suddenly someone called her name and broke the silence.

Lyle: Y/N what are you doing here, wait you are starting at the sky without me?
Y/N: lyle?.. omg lyle i am so happy that you came i thought you were angry at me or something.
Lyle: i am so sorry Y/N i got jealous of erik i know that you like him and i know how much he likes you but god damn it Y/N i cant stop thinking about you just a thought of you being with someone else hurts me , just a thought of you kissing someone else destroys me . i am.. fuck it i am in love with you Y/N.

Y/Ns pov:
what in the world just happened i didn't know what  to do , what to say . two days ago i thought that neither of them liked me but now i am in some kind of love triangle.

Y/N: lyle i-

before she could say anything lyle kissed her, and at the same exact moment a shooting star flew above their head. everything was great right? wrong they weren't alone everything just stopped for a moment when Y/N opened her eyes and.

 everything was great right? wrong they weren't alone everything just stopped for a moment when Y/N opened her eyes and

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Y/N: erik. erik please ERIK
lyle: omfg
Erik: hope you two made a wish, wish of living happily ever after..
Y/N: erik please
Erik: you.. i trusted you.

before any of them could say anything erik got in a car and left so fast. lies lies lies it costs nothing to tell the truth but may cost someones life to tell a lie.

what does this words mean? are we going to loose anyone? what are you going to do? find out in the next chapter!!!

 menendez and the mafia princess/ menendez brothers x the reader Where stories live. Discover now