Name: Fern Kyle quinzel Isley. (Formerly: Tom braxton yane)
Age: 9 (almost 10)
Nickname: sweetheart,Buddy,Champ.
Alias: Poison (after poison Ivy) oak
Evil or good: Mostly evil,But can be good if he wanted to be.
Gender: Male.
Appearance: doenst know how to hide his earsAlter ego appearance:
Powers: Can learn other languages quickly,Knows how to talk to plants from watching poison ivy/Mommy pamela
Weapons: Knives he got from Harley/Mama quinn as he calls her. His claws and A whip he got from Catwoman/Cat Mom.
Equipment: Robot dog named R.D which stands for Robot dog. (I'd count it as a pet but,Its a robot so its equipment.)
Strenghts: The love of his adoptive family.
Weaknesses: Weed killer,Gunshots and the one that hurts most of all Seeing one (or all 3.) of his parental figures being taken to arkham.
Fears: Losing His family (The gotham city sirens.)
Family: Harley quinn (Mama quinn),Poison ivy (Mommy pamela) and catwoman (Cat mom.)
Love interest/Crush: He still thinks girls have cooties.
Likes: Icecream,Mice,Talking to plants.
Dislikes: Someone calling him a freak Just because his appearance.
Species: Okami. (Its like a Neko/Cat person,Exept Its a wolf version.)
D.O.B: December,15,2012
Height: unidentifiable
Personality: Protective,Calm,Sometimes acts Like A clown.
Formal: ???
TS: Im not fine By Blixemi on youtube.
Pets: R.D the robot dog.
Backstory: Fern,Known as tom back then,Was a Young boy who was abused by his family. One day,He snapped. His eyes turned yellow and he went feral Killing his parents and Siblings. Someone called the police and they arrested him,Taking him to arkham. The head of the asylum told the police to Throw him in a cell But,Since he was only a child and couldn't do much harm to them (thats what they Think.) told them not to lock his cell and to let him roam around. Tom soon met the gotham city sirens and They started hanging out with him. For catwoman and harley it was out Of pity. For poison ivy it was Maternal instinct. Tom told them he didnt like his name and They changed It for him. Now his name is Fern kyle quinzel isley. Yep,Thats right. They Adopted him! Now he lives with the gotham city sirens. He goes to school but doesnt do anything. The only thing he listens to in school is when the kids/teachers talk about another Crime the gotham city sirens do and he smiles. Another class he enjoys is Botany or the study of plants. If he doesnt enjoy a class And gets bored,He'll end up shooting spit balls at the teacher.Other: Fern loves his family and is a distant cousin to my other Oc Zarari (Coming soon.)