Chapter 4

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3rd person POV

As they all watch the movie,Starfire gasps and screams, she holds on robins cape. He blushed madly. When the movie was over they turned on the light they see Starfire clung on to his neck. They all start laughing at them.

After that everyone want to sleep except robin and star.Starfire asked robin if he can sleep with her in her room because she would have the mare of the night because of the movie.

Starfires POV

I asked friend robin if he can do the sleeping with me in my room so I would not have the made of the night. Robin said yes and I pulled him over to my bed and sat there until I fall fast asleep on his bare chest.
Robins POV

Starfire asked me if I can sleep in her room I had to think about it and I was not thinking right so I said yes.I was staring into her emerald green eyes and I just did not know what I was saying.She pulled me to her bed and we just sat there until she fell fast asleep on my bare chest.

The next morning....

Starfires POV

When I did the waking up I felt some arms around me.It was friend robin I was thinking why he was in here than I did the remembering I asked him to sleep in here with me.It felt  glorious that he had his arms around me I love him so much.I want Robin to myself and no other person can have him but me.when I was thinking I turned around and saw robin with out a mask. His eyes were very beautiful  electric blue.He was just staring at me and asked if I had a nice sleep and I said yes.

Robin's POV

When I woke up I felt someone warm around my arm's and it was star. I remembered that she asked if I can sleep in here with her.When she turned around I asked he she had a good sleep and she said yes.Next thing you know she was just staring at me I felt my face and my mask was gone.I guess I took It off or something she said my eyes were beautiful.I said thank you and we just stayed there until we both heard a knock on the door and it was cyborg. I guess the door was locked and he asked where I was.

So I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter can I have some ideas please for the next chapter.I love you all and you all are awesome

BTW I dedicate vanillamincraft234 and TameranianGirl I thank you to a lot.

I will dedicated more people in some other chapter's so don't worry OK I love all my followers so see you in the next chapter.❤


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