~ Where am i ? ~

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•y/n's pov•

I woke up with a thump. The last thing I remeber was being put inside a Wrapping paper covered box. 'where am I?' I thought to my self.

*oof* I brought my hand up to my head , as I hit it on the lid of the box. I was hesitant at first , but I decided to ,slowley, lift the lid of the box and peer around the large room.  

"woah" I breathed out whilst holding onto the lid. I flung my leg over the side of my box to attempt to get out , but I must have over done it , as my box came flying over the edge of the tall cabinet I was rested on. Rigid paper strips floating down as my fabric body hit the floor . My box lading right on top of me.

{a few minutes later}

It must have been a few minutes , but it felt like hours. I heard muttering and gossip from outside the box. I try to lift my box up but its no use . This causes the muttering to die down , and the shuffling of feet coming towards me.

"H-hello? is any body t-there?" I muffled out , earning a gasp from a feminin voice.
"It's a doll! It's a new doll! help me help them out " the feminine voice spoke confidently. My box was suddenly lifted of off me , and a bright light shone across my beaded eyes. I was met face to face with another pair of beaded eyes.

She held her clothed hand out to me and helped me up and reasured me that they were good people.
"Im Anne! and thats my brother Andy!" She pointed towards a male ragdoll facing away from the other dolls. He grunted and waved his arm in an unenthusiastic way.
'whats his problem?' I thought to my self as I looked in his direction.

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