𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞

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April 17, 1983.

Jada Williams was on her way to Betty Lou's diner to meet up with her friends for her birthday, excitement coursing through her veins as she was informed that she was going to receive a special surprise. She stepped out of the taxi, paid the driver and made her way inside the establishment with a bright smile on her face. She walked up to a booth and was greeted by five smiles and pairs of eyes. "There's the birthday girl." A female voice rang out.

"Hey guys!" She said as she sat down next to the girls and across from the boys. Not but a few moments later, a waitress came by with a plate with a slice of chocolate cake atop of it. "Happy birthday, doll. This one's from me and Kurt."

"Aw, thanks Edie. You're the best!" She smiled to the older woman and took a tiny nibble of her cake as she walked off. She looked to all of her friends, extremely eager to find out what her surprise is. "Alright Jada, you ready for your surprise?" Addison asked with a small smile on her face. "Hell yes! I've been aching to know all day!"

"Okay, well all will be revealed shortly. We gotta give you your small gifts first." Jada let out a small sigh of frustration but nodded in acceptance, and sat there happy nonetheless. "Alright, this is from Kim and Rodger." First, a slightly tall, square wrapped in gold paper was handed to her and the girl didn't hesitate to tear it open.

Her eyes lit up as she saw the revealed items: three different vinyl records. "Wow, The Carpenters, Led Zeppelin and Van Halen! Thanks guys!" She smiled brightly to her friends as she examined her gifts, then Addison reached under the table. "And these are from me, Tyler and Damien."

She pulled out a pink basket filled with small goodies such as nail polishes, a VHS tape of Breakfast At Tiffany's, candy and a small teddy bear. "Aw, guys these are awesome! I swear to God, sometimes I don't deserve y'all." She said happily, her friends smiling to her. "Well I know we didn't get you much, but your surprise is going to blow those out of the water." Kimberly said looking to Damien.

"We all pitched in to get you this. Kim and Rodger used a bit of the inheritance they got from their granddad and Tyler, Addison and I worked extra hours at the music shop. But it was all worth it, and we think you'll like it." Damien said as he sat a Manilla folder down onto the table.

She picked it up as she looked around the table at her friends suspiciously, wondering what the hell could be in the folder. She unclasped the brackets and pulled it from the closing hole, her heartbeat getting faster as she opened it. She reached her hand inside and felt smooth pieces of paper and pulled it out revealing small strips of white paper with black text on it.

She put it closer to her face reading it carefully, and her heart dropped to the floor.

Saturday, April 18
The Cedar Street Courtyard, Austin Texas

"Fuck you, seriously?!" She yelled in excitement after a moment. She looked to her friends, her jaw agape out of shock. "This is a fucking joke, right? This must be a goddamn joke."

"Nope. We got front row tickets for all of us. Thanks to you notifying us of her tour schedule two months in advance, we were able to save up enough cash for those, AND vip passes." Addison said as she placed a set of lanyards on the table. "Oh my fucking god, I definitely don't deserve you guys." She nearly teared up as her eyes remained glued on the items. She hugged her friends and sniffled, trying not to lose herself.

She couldn't believe that she got tickets to see her idol, the one person she truly admires. She felt like the luckiest person in the whole world.

After they celebrated for a bit, everyone had went home to pack for the trip that was ahead of them. Their flight was in a few hours, which gave them enough time to hang out at the arcade. They made it to the airport at 5:00 and boarded their plane 30 minutes later. Jada could barely sleep a wink knowing that tomorrow she will be seeing the amazing iconic legend herself. She imagined seeing her on stage dressed in the most fabulous outfit tailored by Bob Mackie, looking as goregous as ever, and singing her heart out. Just thinking of what was to come made her overjoyed.

Soon, her eyes drifted shut and fell into a deep sleep. A few hours later at around 12:15 am, they finally arrived at Austin. The group (with the exception of Jada) tiredly made their way to a motel, going to  bed as soon as they got there. After a good half hour of laying in bed staring at the ceiling with excitement going about her, she finally made it to sleep, because in a handful of hours, she'll be partaking in what will be the best night of her life.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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