Dollhouse:Chapter 9:Am I Free...?

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Dollhouses look normal
But they have dark secrets
They keep truths from us
And seem to hide things
But this is what a dollhouse is
More like the insanity house...
"In this darkness..."
"Lies a rose...."
"Of ferocious power...."
"Like no other...."
"So be ready..."
"For my insanity..."
The ground started to shake,Julia started bleeding,and the others ran off,for their lives.Julia was left there alone,like everyone else has done.
"I thought you liked me..."
She got up from the ground.
Down the hallway,the others were still running,thinking Julia was chasing them,wanting to kill them all.
"Why is this happening!?" weeped Alice.
"Don't know,but just keep running!" yelled Fred.
Once they got down the hallway,their exit turned into a dead end.Raph kicked it,wanting to get out of here,but their exit wouldn't budge.
"Why doesn't this open?!?!"
Julia caught up to them,making Alice grab onto Jake,and Sally grab onto Fred.Raph got in front of them,looking at Julia.
"Oh hey guys...."
They all stared at Julia,with a 'wtf' face.
"What?" she asked.
"Don't you...wanna...kill us....?"
Julia stared at them,"of course not,why would I do that?"
Ruby appeared behind her as a dark spirit,and went around Julia.Julia stayed still with a poker face,and looked at them.
"I'm sorry guys..."
Julia got knives from her dress pocket,and threw all of them at their heads.They all ducked,with luck,but fleed,since they had the chance.
"What are we gonna do!?" yelled Jake.
"We don't know,but just keep running unless you wanna die!" commanded Raph.
Knives were thrown and landed on the walls,the floors,every where.Once they got at the end of the hallway,where only a few knives could be seen,Raph saw the hole that the other boys have fallen in.
"Come on,this could help!"
Raph pushed himself in,and the other did after him.The girls screamed loudly,while the boys were looking up,seeing Julia jump in,after them.
"Why so scared!?"
Raph grabbed everyone's hand to make them fall faster,and landed the soft floor.
A bit painfully.
Fred and Jake huddled up with the girls,while Raph got up from the floor,watching Julia float safely on the floor,smiling at him creppily.
"Why,hello Raph..."
"Shut up."
"Make me," she challenged.
Raph tackled Julia making them both fall on the floor.He landed on top of her,while Julia looked at him,slightly blushing,but was able to glare at him.
Raph looked down at her,"you said to make to shut up,so that's what'll I'll do."
Julia couldn't escape his grasp,since he was stronger.She opened her eyes,to see Raph's face getting closer and closer.
"Making you shut up."
She couldn't move,she couldn't so anything.She was too shocked at what was happening.
The others,in the floor,were watching,with faces that clearly say,'WHAT IS HE DOING!?'.
And then his lips touched hers.
Julia was now a blushing mess,and was STILL processing what was happening.She snapped back to reality,realizing that this wasn't a dream,and kissed back.
Alice and Sally,shocked,still smiled a bit.Fred and Jake looked at them,suprised Julia wasn't trying to kill him,when she has the clear chance.
But still clapped.
Raph broke apart of her,smirking at her.She was still blushing,A LOT.
"I always wanted to do that..."
Julia looked at him,"r-really...?"
Alice and Sally finally smiled happily,"awwwwww,that's so cute...!!!"
Fred and Jake smiled at him,knowing he finally had some guts.
But,alas,this blissful moment had to end,as Ruby appeared behind Julia,and pushed her away from Raph,from behind he neck.
Julia glared at her,"what do you think?"
Ruby threw Julia against the wall,making Julia fall to the floor,weakly.
Fred and Jake got in front of Alice and Sally,as Raph got a knife from the floor,from when Julia was throwing them,and stabbed Ruby.
Ruby turned to see Raph,and smiled evilly,"oh you must the boyfriend..."
"I'm not."
She looked at him,surprised,Raph wasn't afraid to stand up to her.
"You must be a fool to stand to me,just like that worthless piece of crap," said Ruby,looking at Julia.
Raph's anger got the best of him,and he threw all knives he saw at Ruby.
Ruby then fell to the floor,bleeding a lot.
"Why you little fucking piece of-!!!"
All of them looked up,to see....
Soooooo sorryyyyyyyy this took longer than usual.
My mom don't let me do much on my tablet no more. :/
So sorry about that.
Hope you enjoy.

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