Welcome to chillis

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      Hi! This is the rewrite of my story previously titled "I Can't Help But Lie To Myself". I still count this as my first story, so please don't expect a well rounded story that keeps you on your toes 'cause chances are, it won't.

      I'd really appreciate constructive criticism, it is always helpful and let's me figure out what my writing is lacking in. For instance, sometimes I accidentally drag out moments and end up making the reader bored. Sometimes I do the opposite and don't put enough for the reader to actually connect with the characters. I really hope to avoid that this time around.

      Anyways, you'll be able to tell what is an authors note by the title. If it's the name of a song or a meme, it's a note from yours truly! Sometimes they are very important, probably a question to help choose where the story will go or a schedule change (assuming I have one), so please make sure to read them if you can.

      The first chapter will be up on the 2nd. I'd post it earlier, but I have to double check for spelling errors, though I know I'll still miss some, and I have birthdays to prepare for on the 27th and 28th.

      Thank you for choosing this story, I hope you enjoy!


       I'll try to put triger warnings at the beginning of each chapter, so if I miss one please tell me so I can add it. I don't want to accidentally harm my readers. Thank you for your cooperation!


                  A balloon 🎈:)

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