confession #2

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          Sugawara listens to the near silent patter of his footsteps as he nears Ukai's shop. Hinata had texted the group chat several moments before in a frantic state. He insisted he had found the perfect solution to his current predicament. 

So, the silver haired boy had dropped everything to come and support the younger member. Ever since the beginning of the year, Hinata had made it very clear how much he truly admired the beauty that was Y/N. He had been in love with the girl since middle school. He was finally making progress towards the person who made him feel the most alive, and Suga couldn't be more proud.

The rest of the team felt the same, of course. No matter how they displayed it (or how much some tried to hide it), there was simply no way to dislike Hinata Shoyo. His energy was contagious. Everyone smiled a little bit more since the start of this journey towards a confession. 

He finally reached the store window and entered, a small ringing noise following. He was met with the rest of the team already surrounding a small table in the corner, Ukai standing at the counter, irritation clear. Even though the members couldn't tell, the young coach was also happy about this development. He's been rooting for the ginger all along. 

Sugawara makes his way over to the boys and takes a seat next to Daichi. 

"Okay, we're all here now. Tell us the plan!" Nishinoya excitedly shouts.

Shoyo looks down, a ghost like expression taking over.

Yamaguchi hesitates, "Why do you look like that? Why does he look like that?"

"Hinata?" questions Kageyama.

The boy starts, "Um, well about that..." He takes a deep breath. "I.. didn't actually come up with anything."

The table goes silent. 

"What?" Multiple people say at the same time, including the eavesdropping coach.

"I'm sorry! I thought if I said that I found something, you guys would come faster... which you did."

"Are you kidding me?" Tsukishima exhales.

Everyone sits there for a few moments, the quiet becoming unbearable.

"I'll deal with it." Suga mumbles, trying to keep the annoyance out of his tone. He knows he's trying his best.

His fingers go at a rapid pace as he types out a message to the two girls.

Several minutes later, the door rings again as the managers walk in.

"Kiyoko!" Nishinoya and Tanaka shoot up.

"And Yachi!" Yamaguchi exclaims in the backround, making sure that the small blonde doesn't feel insecure.

Both of the girls smile brightly and take a seat. 

"So... We've heard about your struggles with Y/N, and we're gonna help you out." Kiyoko says, her positive tone overpowering the previous mood of aggravation. 

"Really?" The ginger asks, eyes wide.

"Of course!" Yachi giggles, sticking close to the older girl.

"Alright lets get started.."

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Hinata's head pokes into the long hallway, staring at the tall lockers. He takes repeated breaths, slowing down each time, trying to calm his nerves. 

This plan was bullet proof! There was no way she wouldn't see him this time.

It was simple, really. Even more simple then last time. He was going to drop his books by her locker and when she went to help him, he'd ease the conversation into a direction that suggest making plans outside of school. From there, he would woo her and show that he was a perfect match. 

The two had been close friends in middle school. It's not that they're not friends now, it just became a bit weirder once he developed feelings. They still kept in contact, but everything felt much more precious to him now than before. 

He looked down at his phone and saw the chat blowing up with encouraging messages from almost every member, Yachi in the lead. The girl was sending three per half a minute. It was truly a matter of skill.

He slipped the device into his pocket and closed his eyes. It was finally time. She would be out at any moment.

He began a stride towards the dark blue locker, accidentally speeding up. He swerved and dropped the text books onto the checkered floor. Before making another move, the ginger looked around him. She wasn't here yet. He couldn't just pick them up and do it again, so he began slowly kneeling down. He took almost a minute for each book, multiple people stared at him while whispering. It didn't matter, as soon as she came out he would up the pace. She was all that matters.

After five minutes, and no sign of the girl, he let out a breath and dropped his head. Immediately after, he heard a female voice and shot up. 

Michimiya headed towards him, a worried expression on her face.

"Shoyo? What are you still doing here?"

"I dropped these by Y/N's locker so I could talk to her, but she never showed."

A small laugh escapes her lips, her hand flying to her mouth right after. She begins looking behind him and back to the ginger.



"I don't know how to tell you this, but this isn't Y/N's locker."

He jumps up. "What?"  

She points behind him "That's Y/N's locker. I passed her on the way here." She points in another direction. "That's the girl who's locker this is." 

A small brunette stands there, clutching her books. Fear was evident in her eyes. She had been standing there waiting for the boy to go away, too freaked out by his lovesick expression to confront him head on.

A deep red blush creeps onto the first years expression. He makes his way towards the locker's owner. 

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you wait."

She mumbles something along the lines of "It's fine" and goes to her locker.

He begins his track towards the boys gym. This time he would make a plan so great, absolutely nothing could stop it.

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sorry this took so long!! a huge writing slump hit. i'm mostly out now, but things are a little rusty due to that, my apologies!! side note, i absolutely do not tolerate yachi slander :-) have a good night my loves!

sugary hearts; hinata shoyoWhere stories live. Discover now