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For the past few months, you haven't been yourself. And you hate this pain, you keep telling yourself that I'm not pretty or skinny like the others are. Probably that's what Dom wishes, is too date another girls who has that and I don't. You couldn't stop crying and can't stop comparing your body to others.

Dommy walks up to your room to see what you doing.

Dom: Hey lo- he sees you crying. Love what's wrong, he said walking up to you worried.

Y/n: what, nothing, i'm okay, i'm fine. you said sniffing and rubbing your eye, trying to cover your face all red and buffy.

Dom: Love, Ik your hiding something from me, you can tell me anything, i'm here. he said holding your hands looking at your red puffy eyes.

Y/n: it- it, i- just that i'm not loving myself Dom, I'm not pretty, or skinny, look at this. you said voice cracking.

you give Dom your phone of pictures of the women you find them pretty. Dom grab the phone and puts it down, he said nothing. He look at you and see you crying and hiding your face with your black long sleeve.

Dom: Love that is fake, those pictures are fooken fake. Those womens don't mean anything to me. Y/n Y/L/N ( your first and last name), he said grabbing your hands tightly and looking at your eyes, you are fooken beautiful, I love you, you have an amazing body, i love your face, I literally don't care if your stomach is big, i love your chubby tummy. I really want you to stop comparing your body to others. It's not good for your health, you need to love your body. I need you to do that for me plz. Baby, you are beautiful, I want you to know that.

Y/n: okay, I will Dom. And I love you so much, you make me the happiest woman on earth, I was not sure if you gonna hate my stomach, but your not like those guys. I'm happy that I can talk to you about this, you said your eyes starts to water, and voice crack.

You gave Dom a hug and a kiss to feel good about what you were holding back. Dom gave you a big speech of how much he loves you how you are, he doesn't care about if you have a big or small stomach. He literally doesn't care, he will love you not matter what.

A/n: Hey guys I hope you like this story. If you are one of those you compare your body to others, plzz stop it's not good for your health, you need to love yourself and have some confidence, a reminder that you are a bad bitch and your worth it and appreciate, and love. If you would leave a like and some comments I would appreciate that from all you Yungblud fans. <3

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