Big mouth - Part 2

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Marinette Pov:

Ok how do I avoid this .... why cant I think of anything Oh I will get you for this BB

While am I am trying to think of ways to avoid the confrontation my room door opens without me noticing

"Habbiti" Damian says softly standing in frount of the now locked door with a smirk on his face

I jump and throw the closest thing to me (a pillow) to the intruder

"oh it is just you hi dami your already back from patrol  I like your s-shirt ..did you need something oh yay you wanted to talk about how bb lost his mind I t-think it is really funny Somethingweshouldignore....did I mention that I like your shirt" I get a highly amused deadpan look in response

I sigh and blurt out "I really like you like like like you I understand that you don't like me and I hope that this doesn't ruin our friendship"

Damian takes my hand that was previously digging into my skin and kisses it then looks up at me with a soft expression

"To begin with ... I enjoy your presence in the same romantic way you enjoy mine" did he just say he likes me????

" Secondly I have very much have wished to go on a romantic outing with you but did not want my asking to ruin our platonic relationship" That is when my brain went into overdrive

"You like me" I asked again to make sure I wasn't hallucinating

Damian answers in a confused tone"Yes I thought I made that very clear" Then adds with a tiny smirk "do you wish for me to say it in French angel"

This gets me out of my skock spiral and into back to reality
" Cookie you It was one time Bird brain and I get to have a minute I just got told my insanity amazing Bff like me back" I respond back and I noticed that I have somehow migrated to Damian lap and that he is holding both of my hands

"Do you wish for me to say it in way in which there is no confusion" He asked full on smirking

I nod in respond

He let's go of my hands one puts on his on my waist and the other pulls my chin up he leans in slowly giving me time pull away I dont and lean in and we kiss .... ok we made out for like ten minutes

We now have finished and are panting with our foreheads touching
"We should do that again later" I say being a bit bold

"Preferably during our frist date"

I nod and we plan out the time and spend some time talking till
he gets up and sees the clock "it is time for our briefing" he says offering his hand I take it smiling and respond "want to walk in holding hands" "of course" he says with a smirk

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2021 ⏰

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