Loves Hard When Your Famous

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"mckayla hurry up! i need to shower!" justin yelled from behind the closed bathroom door. i smiled and continued putting my make-up on. justin wiggled the doorknob. "why is it locked?"

"because i dont want you barging in here before im ready!" i told him. i put my mascara away and looked in the mirror.

i had on a white flowy shirt that only covered one shoulder, light blue skinny jeans, and white sandles. i grabbed the silver locket my ex boyfriend matt had given me for our one month anniversary. i clasped it around my neck and fixed my medium brown hair that went down midstomach. it was extra wavy and looked good. i put on some lip gloss and opened the bathroom door.

"finally!" justin said as he walked past me into the bathroom. he stopped when he saw my necklace. "why are you wearing that?"

"oh i uh. i thought it looked good with my outfit." i told him. he turned away and turned on the shower. "you better hurry. concerts in 3 hours." he took off his shirt.

"ya i know." he told me. i walked out of the bathroom and shut the door behind me. the crew was running around getting everything ready for the first concert of the tour.

"mckayla! we need you for soundcheck!" scooter told me. i nodded and followed him to the stage where some fans were waiting. he handed me a microphone and disappeared somewhere. i walked out on stage and the fans cheered.

"hi everyone." i told them. "ok so justins getting ready so im gonna be hanging out with you guys for a while."

"are you really dating justin?!" one of the girls in the front row yelled. i was hoping they wouldnt ask that.

justin and i had been best friends since diaper days. he knew everything about me and i knew everything about him. he and i loved to sing and were good at it.

justin had gotten noticed first and became famous. he showed me to his manager and now we were going on tour together. the record label wanted justin and i to be pretend dating so thats what we were. it wasnt too hard. all we had to do was hug, hold hands, and a few kisses on the cheek.

"uh ya. we are." i told them. they screamed louder than i expected. i suddenly felt arms hugging my waist and pulling me close. i turned and saw justin smiling.

"show time." he whispered to me. i nodded and he kissed my cheek. he stopped hugging me and held my hand. he had a mic in his free hand. "hey everyone! whats up?!"

the fans went crazy and justin laughed. he loved that. he walked around the stage with me talking to them and answering questions.

"ok guys! justin and mckayla have to get ready for the show!" scooter told the fans. they yelled bye to justin and me and we ran offstage.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2011 ⏰

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