this is like the introduction🎬🎬🎬💔🪕🪗🪗🎷🎹🎷

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idk what to wright yet but i want to have a chapter so heres the theme song and some information about what this story is going to be about and like your backround

so basically your avivas sister and she left home when her and her friends (koki, jimmy z, martin, and chris) turned 18 and went to go live in the tortuga hq

(you are 2 years younger than aviva so at that point you were 16)

you know all of them and have known them pretty much your whole life, so theyre pretty much your older siblings too

oh and obviously your gonna move to the tortuga and get a crush on chris because this is a chris x reader

anyways read my story or something🤠

also heres the tortuga if you dont know what i was talking about:

the stupid picture wont show up but its the bug turtle robot thingy that they all live in

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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