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"M-Mitsuba?..." the blonde asked as he held his best friends lifeless body in his arms. "I'm sorry.." said the apparition as he tried his best to comfort his friend. "H-hey! Wake up! Come on Mitsuba! Please wake up!" He soon starting choking on his words as he held the corpse close to his chest "kou, hes gone.." those were the words that helped him realize, Mitsuba was gone....


The exorcist shot up from his bed as he looked to around his room "what the-" he questioned as he looked at his clock, 9:10 was written on the clock in bright red. "I'm late!" The boys state of confusion soon came to an end as he jumped out of his bed in a hurry to get ready. As soon as he finished putting on his uniform he dashed out the door, with no time to say goodbye to his younger sister, tiara.
"Why didn't Teru wake me up!" He said as he rushed to try to get to class.

As he slammed the door open, all eyes went to him "good morning Minamoto, I hope you had a good sleep" teased the teacher as kou walked to his seat while a few students giggled.

"What was that dream? And who was that boy?" The blonde thought to himself "and why can't I stop thinking about him.." the boy was so zoned out, that before he knew it, class was over


Similar to his first class, the rest went by quickly since he was barely paying attention."why didn't I pay attention in my classes!? Argh that stupid dream kept distracting m-" the exorcists rant soon came to a halt as the bumped into someone.

AN: sorry if this chapter was short umm but I'll try my best to make the next longer

290 words

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