First encounter

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Similar to his first class, the rest went by quickly since he was barely paying attention. as he left the class, he ranted to himself. "Why didn't I pay attention in my classes!? Argh that stupid dream kept distracting m-" the exorcists rant soon came to a halt as the bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry! I should been watching where I was-" as he looked up to see the face of the of which he was apologizing to, he froze. he analyzed the person's looks, pink hair, pink eyes, pink sweater, and a yellow sweater with blue and pink/red on the tips, it was the boy from the dream! "Umm hey, are you okay?" asked the pinkette as he waved his hands in front of the blonde's face in hopes to get their attention, the girly boy  hadn't really payed attention to the others traits, yet he had seemed like he knew them or someone who looked like him "R-right! Sorry for bumping into you!" said the boy as he got up, "Im Kou Minamoto! Nice to meet you!" "Kou?-" the camera geek soon came to a realization of who this was. "I have to go-" said the small boy as he quickly rushed out of the others sight in search of a bathroom. as soon as he found one, he ran into a stall, he needed time to process what just happened. "Okay so basically what just happened was that I met the boy I have been seeing in my dreams, in real life!? Jesus that sounds so weird saying out loud." said the Kirby lookalike. 

{dream flashback}

"how about I die...."

                   "so we can stay together forever..."

he soon slipped from mitsubas hand and-

AN: im evil >:)

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