just one day (a) - 4

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they drove and drove to destinations jungkook planned and their last destination was the amusement park. nostalgia running through jimin's body as they walked towards the entrance, scanning the area as jungkook looks at him with a big grin plastered on his face. "come on." jungkook wraps his fingers onto jimin's wrist and drags him towards the gate.

"tickets for two, please." jungkook speaks to the cashier as jimin scans around the rides. "here, wear this around your wrist." jungkook takes jimin's hand and wraps the paper around jimin's wrist. jungkook turns his body towards the amusement park and starts to walk towards the entrance, turning his head back at jimin and it snaps jimin out of his gaze.

"you remember, right?" jungkook says as jimin caught up with jungkook's footsteps. "yeah, i do. i almost... forgot about this place." jimin's voice leaked disbelief and enthusiasm. he was in disbelief at how much the amusement park changed. "remember when there were barely any people here and we were usually the only ones riding the rides? and how old the rides looked but we rode it anyway because it looked hilarious? and how we always went here because it was cheap?" jungkook chuckles at the memories, smiling proudly at the park.

a large smile grew onto jimin's face and he kept looking at one specific ride; the one they used to always ride and never left without riding it. the carousel.

jimin remembers how much fun they had riding the carousel; even though the ride was for kids, they still managed to have so much fun with it.

jimin giggles as he runs away from jungkook and jungkook starts to chase him around the carousel. jungkook ran faster and jimin yelps as jungkook caught him from behind, his arms wrapping around jimin's smaller frame tightly. "i caught you~" jungkook had a playful and smug smirk plastered on his face and jimin pouts. "no fair. your legs are longer than mine and you run faster than me." jimin huffs and tries to unwrap jungkook's arms around his waist but it wouldnt budge so he gives up and leans onto jungkook's chest.

"you're so cute." jungkook giggles and plants a soft kiss onto the back of jimin's head, jimin's soft blonde hair. "no, you are." jimin argues. "what? no, you're cuter."

"no, you are."

"no, you."

"no, you!"

"you know what? i don't care, i want to kiss you."

jungkook spins jimin around and connects their lips together, and a warm feeling blooms inside jimin's heart as both their hearts beat in sync and when their heart still beats with joy and euphoria, enticing jimin to smile through the kiss.

jimin snaps out of his thoughts and hears jungkook exclaim, "jimin, let's ride that one!" jungkook drags jimin towards a ride and jimin shakes his head as he gets dragged away.

time passes by and jimin felt like it was just 10 minutes ago that they arrived there. the sky turned dark and jimin had completely forgotten how time flies so quick whenever he's with jungkook, and jimin felt a little sad that the day was ending so quickly. (correction, he was very sad)

"jungkook-ah, don't let me ride anymore rollercoasters, please. i'm getting sick." jimin frowns, and grimaces. "oh, i'm sorry. they're just really fun to ride, i can't help it." jungkook sounded guilty. "do you want anything to eat? or drink? i mean, we haven't eaten anything ever since we got here."

"yes, please. just get me cola and you can choose anything for the food." jimin nods eagerly, feeling his stomach letting out a grumble. jungkook grins sheepishly and quickly runs off. jimin sits down on a bench and lets out a sigh, getting sad again that the day was ending. he had wished once again that they would've just talked instead of arguing but he can't change the past, right? they always argued even when their friends were there, and it felt so embarrassing for jimin. so, so embarrassing. jimin felt all kinds of emotions swirling in his stomach; there was guilt, sorrow, lost, and most importantly, regret.

his train of thoughts were cut off again with jungkook running towards him with cola in his right hand and a plastic bag on his left. "here. i got both of us tteokbeokki and hotteok." jungkook hands jimin the cola as he sits down beside jimin and takes out the tteokbeokki from the plastic bag. "thank you." jimin gives jungkook a warm smile in return and desperately opening the plastic cup.

they ate in silence, enjoying the food and enjoying the peace (even though the amusement park was noisy). "jimin-ah, the ferris wheel is open. wanna ride it?" jungkook says, mouth full of food and his voice muffled from it. jimin couldn't hold back a faint chuckle at jungkook. jungkook still remembered his favorite ride.

jimin couldn't hold back a grin and looks down shyly before letting out a silent 'yes', hoping jungkook would hear it. he thanks god when jungkook lips curved upward, meaning he heard him.

they walked towards the ferris wheel and had gotten in one of the 'room'(?) of the ferris wheel. they sat down on the seats and looked out the windows (?), mesmerized at the beautiful, colorful lights under them. none of them spoke during the ride, lost in their own thoughts as the ferris wheel kept on moving.

as they reached the top, jimin finally spoke up, "the view looks so beautiful." jungkook watched as jimin's eyes glimmered as his orbs roam around the view under them. jimin turns his head towards jungkook as he heard no response from the younger only to see him staring at him with stars in his eyes. jungkook blinks, realizing what he was doing and immediately looks away, gulping his saliva. surprised, jimin looks away to try to hide his smile he was trying to suppress but failed to do so as his lips were pursed in a weird way. it was just like one of those nights in the beginning of their relationship, when their hearts were still beating with joy and love, the mood still so warm and peaceful, rather than tension and anger in the air. they both knew none of them wanted this but knew this was for the best.

jungkook blushes, embarrassed and nods, silently agreeing. "i wanna go here again some day." jimin whispers softly, gaining jungkook's attention. "me too. it's... so much prettier than i remember." jungkook couldn't help but let out a smile, remembering the memories again.

i wanna go here with you.

i want to be with you.

i still wanna be with you.

i don't want to leave you.

i miss you.

i love you.

"i..." jimin trails off. he wants to say those words, those words that are on the tip of his tongue, just desperately waiting for jimin to say it out loud but he can't. he can't do this to jungkook. he hurt jungkook and he can't bare to hurt him anymore.

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