-part 6-

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You see a new blind fold, new handcuffs, and a vibrator. Duke wha- I have no words you don't have to speak he pushes you down on the bed and starts to make out with you, you take off his shirt and unbuckle his belt as he takes off your shirt and starts to unclip your bra. You suddenly start feeling cramps and remember you start your period today, you pull away as he looks at you confused sorry duke whats wrong 🥺 I start my period today aww ok he hugs you and cuddled with you how about we do a live sure yeah you get up and put your clothes back on and start the live and just answer questions for 2 hours avoiding the one asking if your dating tho, your birthday was in two day and you would be turning 18. The live ended and duke went to shower, you showered after him and fell asleep as you cuddled with him. The next day you went downstairs while duke was sleeping and saw teala filming near the pool, she annoyed you but you ignored her. Duke finally woke up and got changed, the whole day him and teala were kinda close but you ignored it even tho you had a feeling this would end badly. The next day you finally turned 18 so you just had a small party at your house and went for dinner, the next day after filming you got loads of hate for just a small party, the hate was so bad you started crying. Duke had gotten into the shower and left his phone out. He got a message from......tesla ? You didn't want to interrupt him so you just checked to tell him later, but what you see shocked you and made feel worst than you already did.

T: hey
D: hi
T:can you come over
D: why
T: just do daddy
D: (d pic)
(During this I forgot how spell picture 😭🤚)
T: y/n won't know right ?
D: ofc not
T: see you then ;)

And that was the end of the convo 😅
Duke came out with a towel around his waist and changed I'll be back me too what ? Yea where ? To a hotel while you hook up with teala you grab your stuff and leave (idk like 3 sets of clothes, charger, ring light, and I think that's it because the hotels here in LA include shampoo and other stuff) don't leave let me explain I'm sorry let me go what's going on here I'm sorry I didn't know what I was thinking he was gonna hook up with teala so I'm going to a hotel you fucking dumbass duke you left to a hotel (Millennium Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles) you stayed on the highest floor and took out your laptop, duke called you many time and sent messages but the only people you would respond were friends such as Larri, Addison, and James. Cassidy called you but you knew it was probably duke asking so you ignored those calls, Cassidy sent you a snap saying she knows where you are and Duke and her are going there, you forgot she could see you through snap and see your location. You couldn't do anything but stay there, a few minutes after there was a knock, you forgot about Cassidy snap so you opened and saw then there. Duke ran and hugged you but you pushed him off and pulled Cassidy in wtf why would you bring him because he wouldn't stop asking idc don't bring him try and talk to him because he's been crying all night idc he started this just do it she opens the door and let's him in cmon I thought we were sisters we are but if i handle this it won't end well she left the room and stayed outside I'm sorry if I wouldn't have found out would you have actually gone- nvm ofc you would have I wouldn't I promise then why'd you say I wouldn't have found out idk I wasn't thinking I'm sorry I really am !! Duke I think we should have a break yk no please it's best for both please y/n don't do this to me duke we should have a break you can't be with me if you love someone else !! I don't love her I love you !! Someone knocks on your door but it wasn't Cassidy it was security asking to stop yelling or you would be kicked out, you apologize and close the door duke leave please no duke cmon you can't be with me if you love her i told you this ! I love you not her please duke if you loved me none of this would have happened just go, go to hers like you were gonna go before ! Go hook up with her ! We are nothing now you can go with her with out breaking some ones heart like your broke mine. Y/n don't say that we don't love each other anymore just go duke leave me alone y/n you don't mean that we do love each other we always have now we don't just leave duke y/n we love each other I don't love her I love you and always have just leave no duke leave you don't need to stay here I do no you don't l, no 18 year old and 20 year old teens relationship last long !! Maybe you and teala are meant to be idk no we are not only me and you ! Duke just fucking leave the door is right there go with teala if you love her I know deep inside you do !! I don't !! Once again there was a knock and it was security again asking to leave this time, you got your stuff and left to the parking lot you made me get kicked out y/n please come home no leave me alone you put your stuff in the back of your car and started driving, you had a big headache and started feeling dizzy. You passed out and it all went black.

That's all and yes she did crash 😀

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