Prank Caller Rose

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*just a quick note i am not a racist i think everyone should treated be equally no matter there skin color race or gender were all human in the end i just thought it would be funny to see ruby prank call people ok so please dont murder me in the comments thank you. also the video is not mine it was made by a very awesome and funny youtuber called ownage pranks so if you have the time you should watch him at some point.

That made every one (except yang for obvious reasons) widen their eyes in horror with Weiss even screaming "SHES TURNED INTO YANG!!"

"Hey!" yang said while trying not to laugh

Blake pleaded with Jacob "please tell me its not full of awful puns."

The speaker came back with Jacob saying "you will be happy to know this universe is not filled with awful puns." 

"So what dose she do then?" asked jaune

"You'll just have to wait and see." replied Jacob as guards came in to put the new universe into the universe player."

 the screen opened to show ruby lying down on her bed in the beacon dorms alone with a phone in her hands "alright lets do this." she said with a smile on her face

Weiss not not liking where this going one bit said "Ruby what are you doing??"

Yang then reminded her "she's doing a prank call duh."

"I know that you brute!!" Weiss yelled

Before they could continue Blake said "Look instead of fighting each other how about we watch what she dose in instead ok."

"Fine." they both grumbled

Ruby turns on her scroll before she presses some digits as the scroll begins to ring ruby  coughs into her arm as someone picks up the phone.


Ruby (Indian accent)"uhh sir are you coming or what."

Jaune Nora and yang burst out laughing and Weiss Pyrrha Blake and ren mouths almost hit the floor (CRASH) wait never mind.

"hahahaha oh my god ruby no." yang said while trying not to die of laughter

Nora and jaune were clutching there stomach in laughter.

"RUBY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!!" Weiss screamed

ren and Blake just face palmed while Pyrrha was still in shock.

??? "who the *beep* is this."

ruby (Indian accent) "your mister ??? right you ordered the food iv been waiting here for half an hour and you haven't come to get.

??? talking to his wife "he call me the other bitch tried to sell me the same thing its a *beep*ing scam" back to ruby "suck a *beep* you mother*beep*er."

"WOAH!" everyone screamed

"what's his problem??" jaune asked

"i Don't know but he better pray i never find him." yang growled

"yang its another universe remember." Weiss reminded her


"yang please calm down remember this is the reaction ruby wants from this man." ren reminded her

yang sighed "yeah your right lets just see where this goes." as they all went back to watching universe

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