デイムダヨ.. | Act 1 [Prt. 2]

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Proxie woke up in a different house, confused. He saw his hands were wrapped in bandages.

"Who ar-" Proxie was cut-off. "Well eh.. didn't expect to meet you like this" Said the woman he was next to "Grandma.. isn't it?" Proxie murmured. She didn't reply, but she did a little nod.

"So.. well uh, t-hanks for helping me out there" Proxie said to her "I've always cared about you and the rest of your family, you're free to come and talk to me again aswell, sonny." She gave Proxie her phone number to let him remember her and what she's done to save him. "T-hank yo-u, you're the best, grandm-other."

He decided to leave the house his grandmother lived in, going out for a stroll in the forest.
There was somebody else there, actually uh... kind of in a hurry

"HOLY JEEZ WHY DO YOU GUYS ALWAYS FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE I GO PLEASE JUST GO AWAY PLEA—" it was the same person Proxie heard from a while ago, the stranger, who was running directly at him, fell on Proxie after they didn't see where they were going. "Oh my j- janet, I'm so sorry, i didn't mean to, I'll-" the stranger said "You're not the first to completely make my life feel more useless" Proxie said, while trying to be sarcastic "...Oh.. I should really uh.. go, shouldn't I?" The stranger said while they were trying to walk away slowly "Yo uh- w-ait! I don't even know you're na—" Proxie said
[i'll continue this later -cough cough-]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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