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     𝙴𝙻𝙸𝚉𝙰𝙱𝙴𝚃𝙷 𝙱𝚁𝙴𝙰𝚃𝙷𝙴𝙳 𝚂𝙻𝙾𝚆𝙻𝚈 into patricia's hair, holding the other girl tightly. this was the bit she hated most about going away to another year of hogwarts; leaving her family. 

     "come on, lizzy," muttered quil sadly. "you're going to miss the train."

     the ravenette pulled away from patricia and spun around to hug her brother. "i'll miss you," she whispered. she turned to embrace her parents. "i always do."

     "we know, darling," barbara, her mother, said kindly, brushing her daughter's hair behind her ear.

     john added, "we'll miss you too," patting elizabeth's cheek consolingly, but she could see the distance in his eyes, and her jaw tightened.

     "you must write us!" patricia demanded desperately, gripping her sister's arm gently. "please write us."

     elizabeth smiled bitter sweetly. "of course, trish. three times a week." and she hugged her again, tighter than ever.

     the entire family was becoming increasingly aware of the mounting tension in the war. more and more deaths were being reported all the time, and kids were already being pulled out of hogwarts as their families went into hiding. even muggles were being slaughtered by he-who-must-not-be-named's manic death eaters, which probably contributed to the fact that saying goodbye was so much harder this year than it was in past years.

     you see, the jackson family were completely ordinary muggles; quite the opposite of elizabeth, who had been adopted into the family six years ago. however, the ravenette saw them as her proper family, and nothing less.

     "go," ushered barbara, shooing her in the direction of the platform. she sniffled. "you mustn't miss it. go."

     elizabeth nodded solemnly and wrapped her hands around her trolley, but hesitated for another moment before forcing herself to move. if she stayed any longer, she would never leave.

     "don't forget us!" quil shouted, just as elizabeth was being pulled away from the platform.

     the familiar sensation of weightlessness overcame her as she travelled through the barrier between platforms. it was over as soon as it began, and elizabeth was once again enveloped in the business of platform nine and three quarters. for a moment, she wondered whether it was really such a good idea to be back. but it was good to be away from home; money was tight at the moment, with john losing so many jobs, one after the other, and her eating away was a good thing.

     a good thing.

     was it really?

     lily. think about lily.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2021 ⏰

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