Week 20 - $$$. [Part 1.]

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Last week, Joe decided to bring back the entire house and surprise the contestants! But he twisted the plot by telling them that the contestants would be voting as a whole on who would be going home. Since Kiloni had the least amount of enemies in the house, she was the first to go to the finals. Being that Prodigy had more friends in the house then Jaden, Jaden was sent packing. 2 contestants remain.

“PROD!!” Kiloni squealed as she jumped on top of him, and gave him a huge hug.

“What the hell, Kiloni?” Prodigy laughed.

“We are the final 2, bro!” She shouted in excitement. “Out of all 21 people, we were the 2 that made it.”

“The house is so quiet now. Like, I often hear voices in my head on how noisy it used to be.” Prodigy sighed. “No yelling, no people, nothing. It’s just silent. Rooms are empty, no one is crowding around the moneygram, it’s just weird.”

“Not even trying to get sympathy, but I didn’t think that I would be the last one here.” Kiloni said shaking her head. “There was situations where I thought that I would be going home, challenges that I never thought that I would complete, and people I never thought I would be able to beat.”

“I honestly thought that Justin C and Roc would be the finalists.” Prodigy smiled. “Those two were the bulls of the house. Those two were unbelievably strong. They were skating through challenges and mowing through people. So when Justin C went home, I was shocked. But when I sent Roc home, I didn’t feel bad. I would rather have went to the finals with you and Prince. You two were my closest friends of this competition.”

“You too, Prod.” She said softly. “When Abby and Justin C went home, I tried to go to Roc, but he wasn’t as comforting and fun as you and Princeton were. You two got me here, me and you got Prince here, and me and Prince got you here. That’s what real friends do.”

“Thanks Kiloni.” Prodigy smiled as he stood up to get the moneygram. “Just know that if you win this money tonight, I’ll be happy for you. And you better give me at least a million dollars, damnit!”


“All 21 of you were important factors in this competition. Kiloni, you’ll be doing the challenge today, and Prodigy, you’ll be doing the challenge tomorrow. Kiloni, step outside.” Prodigy read.

“Here I go.” Kiloni said taking a deep breath, then walking outside.

“Break a leg, Kiloni!” Prodigy shouted.

Kiloni stepped outside and seen Joe standing outside. Kiloni had put on some sports shorts, did a few stretches, then stood all the way up to prepare herself. She was worried sick about the challenge, but she appeared ready.

“Are you ready for the challenge, Kiloni?” Joe asked.

“Yes!” She cheered.

“Alright. Today, i’m allowing you to take the bus, and travel all across Miami!” Joe said. “But, you’re gonna have to make a stop at the places where we did challenges. I’m not going to tell you how to get to these places, but you’re going to have to find them! Also, you’re gonna have to remember who won these challenges. When you stop at each of the places on your clipboard list. you’re going to see a pack of stickers with all 21 of your faces on it. When you find who won the challenge, you’re gonna take their face, and paste it next to the place that we went to. After you get done with all 19 of the challenges, you’re gonna come back to the house, and i’ll take track of your time. Whoever gets the fastest time between you and Prodigy, will win the 10 million dollars. Understand?”


“Alright. Since Willow lost the first challenge, I put her name at the top. For the rest, you’ll decide!” He continued. “Your time starts now!”

Kiloni jetted off into the bus, looked at her map, and drove to South Beach. She knew that Abby had won that challenge, because her and Jacob had celebrated that day. She gave the bus driver the instructions, and arrived at the beach 6 minutes later. Kiloni jolted out of the bus, and seen a set of stickers on a table of each of their faces. She took Abby’s sticker, placed it next to the second name, and got back into the bus.

“This challenge will be a piece of cake.” She thought to herself.

She looked for the basketball court from the third challenge, and gave instructions to the bus driver. But when Kiloni got there and ran inside of the gym, she couldn’t figure out who was on the red team that won that day. She knew that Justin C and Roc were on that team, but she couldn’t think of anyone else. She picked up Roc and Justin C’s stickers, along with some random people, and brought them back onto her bus.


Kiloni had did great for the next five stops. Jaden, Justin C, and Diggy won the buffet challenge, Princeton won the race track challenge, She herself had won the heart rate challenge, Bahja went home the day the challenge was cancelled, and Star had won the school challenge. With all of these stops, it took her 2 hours to travel around. At this point, she was growing exhausted.

Kiloni drove all the way back to south beach to take her and Star’s sticker off and onto her clipboard from the time when her and Star onto it, because those two had won the “Helen Keller” challenge that Joe had gave them. She remembered that challenge well, because Star had beat her in two eliminations.

By the time she drove the the boxing ring, the sky was darkening down. She went inside of the empty building, and thought about her and Star fighting. She couldn’t think of who won this challenge, so she picked up Roc’s face and put it onto the clipboard since he was really good at fighting. She sat down in on the bench for a few seconds, took a break, and tried to think really hard on who won the next challenges. She knew that she was burning time, but she would rather have all of this in her head so she could get home as quick as she could.

She boarded the bus, and wrote down at the bottom of her clipboard on who won what, and where.

Confessional challenge - Prod. | where: house.

Scare tactic challenge - Justin C. | where: Industrial Parking lot.
Potato sack challenge - Me, Prince, and Prod. | where: Football stadium.
Random picking challenge - Jaden. | where: house.
Pole challenge: Prod. | where: South beach.
Tug of war challenge: Roc. | where: Fitness gym.
Dart challenge: Prod. | where: Local Sports bar.
Flag challenge: Prod. | where: Airport runway.
Closest peers challenge: Me. | where: At the house.

It took Kiloni almost 20 minutes to remember all of these challenges, and who won them. She had to think hard of every elimination getting to the wire, and she did it. Finally, she asked the bus driver to take her to all of these challenges on the map. She was irritated that she had to keep stopping by and leaving the house and the beach, but she knew that 10 million dollars was worth it.

It took her 3 hours to finish all of this.

Kiloni stopped at the house to put her sticker onto the final challenge of the clipboard when she handed it to Joe, and he stopped his stopwatch. Joe had been in the house all day, but he stepped out at night because he knew that the challenge would take this long.

“Alright Kiloni!” He smiled. “I wont be revealing your time to you until tomorrow, so you may relax until the final elimination tomorrow. Enjoy!”

“Thanks..” She sighed breathlessly as she went inside of the house.

Kiloni stumbled into the kitchen, threw off her shoes, and slumped onto the floor. Prodigy turned around from watching TV and seen how exhausted and tired she was. He got up and walked over to her, and put a goofy smile on his face.

“Damn you’re home late! You’ve been gone for almost 8 hours!” Prodigy laughed. “What type of challenge did you do?”

“Prod…..you’re in for a long day tomorrow.” She panted.

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