Hold me close❤

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Hoseok's pov
It was our last concert in L.A. and I was ready for our last song to perform. Even though we were really tired it did not matter. This was our life... and to be honest we could not be any happier. Having so many people (army's) who love and adore what you are doing and appreciate it, is the most precious thing in this world. They are probably the most passionate and loving people, they are my hope and I'm they're hope... well thats what makes me jhope I guess. 

I looked at Namjoon who was also lost in his thoughts like I was a while before. I smiled at my leader. He clearly was nervous I could tell. That feeling we all have before entering the stage. Scared to make any mistakes, to not satisfy our army. Even though Namjoon was our leader and was in control of most of the things. Sometimes he needed someone to soothe him as well and tell him that everything is going to be fine. I walked towards him and patted his shoulder  "Namjoonaa! We got this.. fighting!"  He sighed and looked at me showing his warm dimpled smile. I reached out my hand to add some final touches to straighten up his dark hair. Stroking it softly hoping that it'll calm him down a little. After I was done I saw him chuckling slightly which made me do the same. He was really cute.

"Ok guys y'all ready?!" An energetic voice interrupted us. I turned around only to find my hyung standing in front of us with a confident look on his face. Which was pretty unusual for him to be honest. "Yoongi hyung? Did you changed roles today with Namjoon?" I asked him jokingly. 
Suddenly Nomjoon loudly clapped his hands a few times to bring the attention on himself. "It is our last song. We need that energy to hype up the crowd."  He was right, the last song belonged to the rap line which was "tear". Only the three of us were going to be on stage to deliver this powerful song with all the emotion it has. Yoongi hyung came closer to us, looking at our now more confident leader and nodded understandably. He usually is not that confident. He easily becomes nervous even if he was trying to hide that, it was more than obvious.  But this time he looked genuinely fine and that really made my day. "Ooh hyuuung you are so cool today. You aren't drunk or anything are you?"  I teased him and couldn't help but laugh at his sudden annoyed poker face he was showing me. Annoying my hyung could be something I never get tired of honestly. He then stared at me and stardet smirking. Which I new was not a good sign for me.

"Hoba... we all now who gets drunk after only two shots. I wouldn't tease me with that if I was you." Well damn. I should've seen this coming. I blinked a few times thinking about what to say. Only to hear him laugh out loud. I couldn't keep a straight face anymore after seeing his wide gummy smile. I mean who could? Yoongi hyung has a very unique personality. He can be savage and moody at times bu also is good at being cute and goofy. He has the purest heart. I'm glad that I'm able to make him laugh more often, it is a sight to see. 

It was time now. We slowly entered the stage hearing thousands of people screaming and yelling our names. The crowd was already hyped up and was waiting for the last performance impatiently. The music stardet, so has Rm and he took the lead rapping his heart out.  His rap skills always amazes me. His deep voice and speed is pure talent. He is indeed a 'rap monster'.I sometimes wish to be as good as him. We were all filling the stage and matching army's energy. When Suga's part came, another satisfaction took over me. It was flawless, perfect. The amazing song writer was feeling this song into his bones. His speed and tone was just too admirable. The emotions were successfully delivered and you could see that in the crowd. I myself sometimes feel self conscious about my rapping although I'm working hard to be as good as them. I only stardet rapping after joining bts so it's been just five or six years I guess. Namjoon and Yoongi hyung helped me a lot through that time and I couldn't be more thankful. 

When the last part came which is my part, I took a deep breath hoping to not let down our fans. I saw Yoongi hyung from the other side of the stage smiling at me. A simple smile and it gave me so much strength and confidence. I smiled back at him and then turned to the crowd. I closed my eyes ready to give all I have with all my energy I have saved for this. I hear army's screaming my name and can feel the music rising with me. Out of breath i finished my verse looking to the crowd panting heavily. Everyone was cheering happily,  the high pitched screaming and the excitment never stopped. I felt proud and knew I did a great job. It looks like I was taught well. Looking over i saw Namjoon and Yoongi hyung also satisfied with the result. I gave them a finger heart which made them chuckle. I then put both of my arms above my head to make them even a bigger heart. Smiling sweetly at them.

The concert was over. It was sad saying goodbye to our Army but we all seriously needed a good rest and something to eat right now. Tiredness took over us completely. Back stage we saw the vocal line already changed to their casual clothes and ready to go our hotel we were staying for a few days. Jin hyung stepped forward with his bag in his hand turning to the second oldest member "We are waiting in the car for you guys. Be quick ok." Yoongi hyung nodded and with that, the three of us went to change to something more comfortable. I put on a large baby blue sweater which I realized kinda made me look small in it but I didn't mind. Underneath grey sweatpants and some white boots. As I made my way to our car I saw that I was the last person to attend. They were all waiting for me. How did Namjoon and Yoongi hyung changed so fast?  The car was like a black minivan, there was enough space for seven of us. I noticed that Jungkook and Taehyung saved an empty seat between them. As I sat down Jungkook was now on my left and Taehyung was on my right. In front of me was Namjoon focused on his phone next to him was Jin hyung closing the minivans door after I got in. Jimin and Yoongi hyung who are on the other side of Namjoon were already fallen asleep. I cooed at their cuteness. It's been a long day I thought to myself.

It got dark outside, the stars took their places in the sky beside the moon. The car ride was quite and peaceful. Namjoon and Jin hyung fell asleep as well, just light snoring noises could be heard this time. I then realized jungkook snuggling up to me, holding my arm while placing his head on my shoulder. His eyes were closed. "Hyung..." he said whispering. I quietly hummed for a response waiting what he wanted to say. "You were great today." I could not help but smile at this little sleepy bunny head. I stroked his hair whispering "Not as good as you." Jungkook's grip on my arm got tighter as he pulled me closer to him. Our faces were only a few inches apart. His tired half lidded eyes were looking deeply into mine. I felt my cheeks getting warm blushing from being so close with this boy. As he then leaned to my ear, his hot breath touching my skin gave me chills. "Can I sleep with you tonight?" His whisper got deeper saying this. My heart was beating faster, I couldn't answer right away. I tried to calm myself down. What is wrong with me? This is not the first time we slept in the same bed. Once more Jungkook leaned to my ear but this time a little closer

"I want to have you all for myself tonight hyung.." he then glanced to Taehyung whose head is laying on my other shoulder sleeping soundly. When did that even happened? I didn't even notice him. Still blushing I had to answer Jungkook, he does not look like he'll let it go. "O-okay.." 
I said quietly and looked away from his gaze. I heard him giggling and laying his head back on my shoulder. After we arrived to the hotel, everyone went straight to their rooms. It was not just the concert what was so tiring, the dance practices and the rehearsals ect. All the other stuff that was going on, and we haven't had a chance to rest at all. As soon as I entered my room I threw myself on the bed. Not even bothering taking of my white boots. Just when i was about to fall asleep i heard someone came in to my room. I had no energy to get up and look who it was. I heard footsteps getting closer and closer.

"Hobi hyung! It must be uncomfortable sleeping with your boots on." A soft voice filled my ears and immediately I knew who this mysterious person was. Now i remembered that he said he wanted to sleep with me tonight. Jungkook slowly took of my boots. "Hyung you are like a child sometimes." I heard him chuckling. He crawled in the bed under the sheets with me. I was laying on the side my eyes were closed but I was not asleep yet.

"Hobi hyung.." he whispered. The moment I opened my eyes I saw him right in front of me . "Kookie-" I felt his hand on my waist pulling me closer to his chest. "You smell so good." He said holding me closer to him. I giggled at the fact that he is always saying the same things when we are close.
"Like vanilla?" I asked knowing the answer. "Even better." He chuckled again.


Hi guys idk if you liked this or not. Should I continue or not? It's up to you. I'm sorry if there are mistakes I'm kinda new at this book writing thing as you can tell🥺🥺 and my English is  not good either so I'm soooorryy😭😭

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2023 ⏰

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