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Hello there, welcome to the one-shot book of Whitty x Reader! This is mainly where you will request your ideas here. Whether it be a head cannon or a literal one-shot. I got the idea of making this book because of my other book actually. I wanted to write more about Whitty, but I didn't want to only write about him and forget about the other FNF characters and, the main purpose of why I created the book, the Hatzgang [Sr Pelo - Spooky Month].

So, here we are. The Whitty x Reader one-shot book you may have been waiting for! I can't wait to see what you guys request. But first, let's start off with some rules.

RULE 1 - Before requesting, maybe think about it before submitting in your request. Sometimes, I may not get you and would want a simple explanation of what you mean. Unless it's something basic like, "how would Whitty react to Y/N singing?" then I can easily work with that.

RULE 2 - Do not request smut/lime/etc. I'm not comfortable writing that, and because I'm underage I feel like I shouldn't be writing about that stuff at all. Though, I do fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, horror (i'm working on this one) and darkfic! [as well as some song-fics here and there lol.]

RULE 3 - If i do not get to your request on time, please don't rush me. It's either because I haven't read it, i'm working on something else or I'm just not feeling motivated right now. I swear I will get to every single one of your guy's requests, just give me some time.

RULE 4 - Try giving your idea a little detail. E.G; "Whitty wants to show the reader that he loves them, but the reader is too oblivious and just thinks that he's being cute and nervous. He then tells them directly how he feels about them later on in the one shot."

RULE 5 - Same as for detailed one-shots, try giving your head cannon some detail too. Again, unless it's something basic like "Whitty finds out Y/N is an artist, what happens?".

RULE 6 - Just have some fun! This book is all for funnsies [and for the Whitty simps].

Hope you enjoy, and get to requesting!

>> OPEN.

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