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"Oh fuck~!"

Two beautiful males exclaimed as they came at the same time.

They were inside the janitor's closet, it was lunch break so the pair took this time to have a quickie since they couldn't have sex for the last three days.

A really doll like male set his wobbly legs down on the floor and slowly brought his panties up, covering his private parts with his black skirt. While the much taller and buffer male got rid of the condom and wore his black pants, zipping them up and tightening his belt.

"You want me to carry you to your next class?" Jeon Jeongguk, head captain for the school's basketball team and the school's bad boy. He was a flirt, everybody wanted him but he had his standards, which so happen to be the small boy in front of him. Kim Taehyung, how the students called him bad boy 2.0 but he was the opposite of that, it's just that he likes black and answers back to hate comments and ignores everyone around him. He's the school's best dancer and artist, sometimes he even helps the cheerleading team.

How did the two get to this place, to have sex, without strings attached. Well, the both of them wanted to have fun. When Taehyung was stressed, Jeongguk was there to help him, same goes for Jeongguk. It looked like they were a couple but they were not. No one knew about their relations, and it should stay like that. Jeongguk approached the smaller male in the hallways one day and straight up asked him to have sex. And Taehyung was surprised at first but who the hell cares so they started having sex here and there without anyone knowing.

Taehyung smiled slightly sitting down wearing his heels. "No, thank you. Go before your teammates start looking for you." Jeongguk nodded and kissed Taehyungs head before exiting the closet looking if there was anyone around.

Walking slowly to his class the bell rang indicating that all students should be on their way to class. Walking down he bumped into his friend Yoongi who had a bored and sleepy look, like always. "What now?" Taehyung asked as he hugged his shoulder and moved to class. "Jimin again ignored me and went to chase after Jeongguk, thinking they will fuck." Taehyung laughs at the information, knowing very well how Jeongguk gets irritated by the male. Every Friday after school, they get together he would complain about the male, it was so funny to hear and sometimes to watch.

"Well you should try to win him with something like sing to him and bring him tons of roses or a lot of sweets and ice cream." Yoongi gasped and looked at Taehyung with a sparkle in his eyes. "You are a queen." Taehyung giggled flipping his small mullet. "I know." Yoongi pecked his cheek and ran down the hallway ignoring his classes for the day.

Taehyung walked inside his class to hear a lot of comments about his body, clothing, and make-up. Ignoring them like always he moved to the back getting his books out and that's how his last lesson started.

Three days passed and it was Saturday. Taehyung was getting ready to go to work when his phone dinged.


Wanna hang out at my place, parents out of the country.


Have work, maybe next time.

Without waiting for a reply, he turned off his phone and made his way down the street to a high-class strip club.

Sighing deeply, he entered with a death glare and moved to his room to get ready for his first show.

Time passed and during his third show he spotted someone he wasn't expecting to see at a place like this. Jeongguk. Ignoring his gaze, he moved around swaying his hips getting bills stuffed at his costume for the night. He walked down the stage slowly and sat at a well-built man's lap, giving him a lap dance of a life time.

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