ʚ ch. 1: the witless pricks ɞ

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2:18 ━━━━━━━━━━♡━━━ 2:55

   |   II   |  

"If you mad stay mad, we not alike

S-A-V-A-G-E, keep it pretty, pretty savage"

                    A school covered in vines and its grounds filled with various greenery as though it were a modern forest, is approaching nearer through the car window. The driver immediately steps on the brake as soon as he sees this, bringing the black Mercedes into a halt and exits the car to open the door in the back seat. The first to emerge is a three inch heeled shoe and the young woman owning it. Compared to the other students wearing their standard uniforms, her bubblegum pink, embellished puffed long sleeved blouse and matching embellished shorts together with a Dolce and Gabbana handbag stands out like a sore thumb—a beautiful sore thumb in fact. But, this is also a particularly rule-breaking outfit according to the school's dress code. Apparently, she doesn't care at all. If they were to put her in detention or give her punishment, it might not be possible as there would be countless processes to be taken before she gets detained or punished. Their school uniform is too plain and common for her elegant and voguish taste, so why bother wearing tasteless clothes?

                    Each step she takes corresponds to many pairs of eyes following her, striding towards the entrance of Seuli High, as though they have just seen the actual queen, in which she basically is. Nevertheless, her cold eyes and stone face continues facing forward, passing through the students around her, not even bothering to greet nor glance at them. As she rises through the last few steps of stairs, she removes her sunglasses to reveal her gorgeous features whilst everyone practically faints without a question. She is itching to roll her eyes at this moment, but she can't since she is still affixed in this stage, also known as a headache. No one awake could move in the stage or take an action on their own will because the author—also known as a son of a bitch—won't ever let you. In this case, she is basically fixed as the character she was made to be.

                    "It's Bu Eun-kyung!" a boy yells towards a crowd of students, as if she is indicating that a royalty has arrived. Bu Eun-kyung appears and another moment of strutting across the hallway has begun. Apparently, she doesn't mind much of these dramatic entrances, due to the power and confidence she might not probably have if she were in a normal life.  As she continues her walk, a girl—probably one of the fans—all of a sudden calls, "It's A3!" As their cue, three young men strides the same way as hers, but coming from the other end of the hallway. For a moment she stops and glances at those boys walking towards the same direction. Girls screamed and admired them so much as if they were in a boy band.

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