Authors note

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The doll character is named dolly davidson she was a 15 year old girl, she used to go to Earwick highschool until she mysteriously went missing the only thing they found of her was a wooden doll that had a cut on the chest, the doll was a ballerina doll usually found in music boxes but it was to big to fit in one more of a collecting doll. The search still goes on with very little evidence to find her...the search sadly is dying down as the party loses hope to find her but her mother begs it still goes on. Grayson has dreams about the doll as he tries to figure out why....he starts to think that it might be dolly davidson trying to tell him to find her body. GRAYSON AND THE OTHER CHARACTERS ARE NOT MINE THEY ARE TORRIKU SOTARU'S

Hope you enjoy the book! 

(if your people who know who torriku sotaru is then your all set)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2021 ⏰

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