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"I'm a thousand years old," Void Stiles said walking toward Stiles who was being held up by Lydia,"YOU CAN'T KILL ME!"

"But, we can change you," Lydia said making the nogitsune stop his advance.

Void went silent,"What?"

"You forgot about the scroll," Stiles said weakly.

"The shugendo scroll," Lydia stated.

"Change the host," Void realized.

"You can't be a fox and a wolf," Stiles said.

Scott grabbed Void's arm and bit him causing Void to roar in anger, then Kira using her sword stabbed Void going straight through his chest.

They back away from him waiting for him to die, but he only laughed and picked himself up,"Your right I can't be a fox and a wolf, but nobody said anything about a coyote."

Stiles' eyes widened as Void talked,"You had no idea what you were doing.  But there is another way to become a werecoyote."

Void quickly grabbed Kira's sword and snapped it in two then knocked Scott out.

"Taking the virginity of a coyote," Void said laughing,"You were just being a hormonal teenager, and you gave me the means to stay in this body."

Stiles started to hyperventilate, as Void continued,"You've felt it haven't you the power coursing through your veins, you've been healing faster but not because of me.  No, no, no because of what you've become.  Now I am going to make you watch as I kill everything you've ever cared about."

"NOOO!" Stiles roared suddenly filled with rage,"I KNOW WHY YOU CHOSE ME, VOID.  YOU THINK JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE MY BODY YOU HAVE MY POWER," Stiles screamed confusing everyone.

Stiles knew something in him had changed ever since he siphoned the alpha status from the twins, he no longer needed to siphon magic from something else.  And now because he was now a coyote he could siphon more power from his animal side.

Stiles felt his strength come back as he started to siphon the power, and Stiles eyes glowed red.

Stiles took a step forward no longer needing Lydia's support, as a ring of fire burst to life around Stiles and Void.

Stiles hit punched Void in the face sending him to the ground spitting out blood.

"You thought if you had control of the one thing that could actually kill you, you'd be safe," Stiles snarled,"You've never been more wrong."

Stiles started to punch Void repeatedly,"Your right we can't change you.  But I can take all of your power, all of your magic.  What do you think will happen then?  Your a thousand years old, that's an awful long time to live."

Stiles put both of his hands on either side of Void's bloody and bruised face, and Stiles' hands started to glow red as he started to siphon from the struggling fox.  Stiles took it all every spark of magic that was in the old fox.  Cracks spread across the fox as he was finally drained of all magic and he crumbled to nothing but dust.

Stiles took a deep breath panting as he felt a new power overcome him, the power of the Nogitsune.

Stiles collapsed into a heap.

Time Skip

Stiles opened his eyes slowly, his took in his surrounding his sight adjusting to the dark.  He was in the animal clinic.  Stiles heard voices coming from the front room.

"He shouldn't even exist," He heard Deaton say,"He could be the only one of his kind."

"What else is he?" Scott asked.

"He's an alpha coyote, a siphoner--"

"Siphoner?" Lydia asked confused.

"They're a rare type of witch that has to take magic in order to use it," Deaton answered,"But because of his coyote side he is able siphon from himself to use magic, that's how he made the fire.  And he's also part Nogitsune."

"How did he become an Alpha, I thought you have to kill another one to take their power," Scott asked.

Deaton thought for a moment,"While, I was taking care of Ethan and Aiden, Stiles was alone with them for a few minutes it's possible he could have siphoned their Alpha status from them."

"What the hell is he?" Lydia asked.

"He is three things at once, he's not a hybrid.  But maybe a Tribrid," Deaton said,"Something that not even nature itself could have predicted, I don't even know what he is capable of."

"So, what he's a freak of nature like us?" Kira asked.

"No, he's the biggest freak among the supernatural world.  Nature might not even allow him to exist," Deaton said.

"What are you saying?" Scott asked fearfully.

"Stiles must die in order to keep the balance," Deaton said.

"He just lost his father, now we're talking about killing him," Kira said pissed.

Stiles picked himself up off of the table as he felt his strength return, and he limped into the front room,"What are you talking about?" Stiles croaked out.

Everyone turned to him surprised, and Scott and Deaton looked at him fearfully.

His dad was dead, Stiles realized, so was Allison and Aiden.

Weeks later the pack stopped talking to Stiles, and when they did start talking to him it was to yell at him in fits of rage, blaming him for all that happened.  So Stiles left leaving everything behind.

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