"fake bitch!" {1}

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♤Mars' POV♤

It was the last day of 8th grade, finally this hell would be over. I was on my way to pick up my friend Ein from their house. We were both going to try and get into U.A. high it was a very prestigious high school only for really rich kids. Both Ein and I come from relatively poor families. We wanted to be the first non rich kids to enter that school. "Mars!" There they are, that is my best friend, Ein and I have been close for as long as I can remember. We were both the school outcasts you could say we were both bullied for who and what we are.

~《At Akademi Jr. High》~

As we walk through the doors of the place we call hell, Riley comes over, she's our main bully." Hey fake bitch!" She said, elevating her voice a little, "Please leave us alone Riley." I asked meekly, "how 'bout no bitch?" She replied. I push my way through her and her crowd with Ein close behind, we walk to class so we can get this hell over with.

¤8 hours later¤

At 2pm we finally got out of that piece of shit place for good ,avoided Riley as much as we could, we both rushed to their house to apply for UA the rest of summer break didn't matter, the day we got our acceptance letters we were overwhelmed with happiness and so many more emotions "Ein we did it we made it in!" I said, "I know Mars, I can't believe it either." She said over the phone, the next day would be huge, although I won't be able to sleep at all.

~《the next day》~

☆Ein's POV☆

I wake up to the sound of my alarm going off in my ear I sat up, rolling my eyes at my alarm in Disgust at it for not wanting to get up, after a while of just sitting there, I finally got up and looked at my calendar to see today is the day me and Mars go to U.A high. I ran to do my morning routine and then ran down stairs to get to my pickup truck then to pick Mars up for school. "Hay Mars"I said smiling, "Heya, Ein!" They said back . We drove to the school and got out at our parking spot, we walked up to the donor's and went inside of our new school.

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