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Days passed since Changbin moved in with Taeyang and Nara, they basically became a small family, everyone in the building knew about them, though they didn't know exactly what was going on, they just knew the two were raising Nara together.

Wooyoung and San also met Changbin often and they finally worked out their problems with one another and peacefully went on with their lives.

"Taeyang do you have everything?" Changbin asked the boy.

"Yep~ I can't believe I'm going back already," Taeyang said as they started leaving the apartment, Wooyoung came and picked up Nara only a few minutes ago and Changbin had to get to work and Taeyang was having his first day back at university.

The day before they went shopping for supplies for the boy, they were both excited about it, Changbin because he could help the boy continue towards his dream and Taeyang because it slowly felt like his life was slowly falling into place.

"Hmm, tonight we are having the dinner party right? To celebrate your return to school" Changbin said with a big smile.

"Yep we do, are the other hyung's still okay with coming all this way? I know Jisung hyung and Chan hyung don't mind since it's so close to your office but the others have to come from far" Taeyang asked and Changbin smile a bit more before turning to the boy and pinching the boy's cheek.

"None of them even hesitated to reply, they all want to come over, they all care about you~ so don't think that it would bother them okay?" Changbin told the boy and Taeyang nodded before he let out a bubbly laugh.

Changbin smiled fondly at the boy, he was really falling way too hard for him.

"Here we are, I'll see you later okay?" Changbin asked the boy as they stopped at the bus stop, he nodded a little, he was nervous to go back to school but this whole time he felt okay because the older was right beside him but now that they were parting he couldn't help but feel all the nerves rushing back.

"Hyung before you go can I get a hug?" Taeyang asked and Changbin nodded and held his arms open, Taeyang gave the older a tight hug before breaking it when his bus arrived, he looked at the older for a second, he placed a small kiss on his cheek before running onto the bus.

Changbin stood there stunned for a little, still trying to process what just happened, he couldn't believe the boy would kiss him, even if it was just on the cheek he still couldn't believe it.

Changbin eventually started walking towards his office, still, in a daze, he went on like that throughout most of his day at work, his heart wouldn't calm down at all and he felt like he was reading way too much into it, his friends often gave him kisses but with Taeyang, since he liked the boy he couldn't help but hope there was more to that little peck.

As work started to draw to an end Jisung and Chan went to the boy's office, they were both still a little scared, although it had been a while since Changbin got out of the hospital they were still a bit worried he would end up pushing himself over his limits, especially because they noticed how out of it he was throughout the day.

"So want to tell us what's up? You've been in a daze the whole day, did something happen?" Chan asked the boy.

"Hmm, you could say that," Changbin said with a nod.

"What? Who am I fighting?" Jisung asked him seriously, his seriousness made Changbin laugh a little.

"No one, it's just this morning when I was seeing Taeyang off, he asked me if he could hug me, and once we broke the hug he kissed me on the cheek before he ran off, I guess I just don't know how to process it, I have liked him for so long and all this time I've been telling myself that he was either too young for me or that it would be best to stay away from him but in the end, it seems I just keep falling more and more into this endless hole," Changbin told them.

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