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Betty kissed Will on the cheek, before skipping inside, pulling him along with her. As the stumbled through the door, giggling, her parents looked up from the table.

"My, my! What are you two up to?" Her mama asked. She was about to answer, but she caught her father winking at Will. Wait a minute, she thought. They already knew! How long had they kept this from her? "Well?" Her mother prodded again.

Betty blushed. They knew, but they wanted her to tell them anyway. "Will asked me to marry him!" she said, only the words didn't come out quite so smoothly. They tumbled out of her mouth, followed by a string of laughter and then a flood of tears. She was overwhelmed with emotion and wasn't sure want to do with herself. Will stared as she blubbered on, trying to tell how exactly it happened. He looked similar to a deer, shortly before you shoot it, unprepared for his fiancé's emotional breakdown.

Eventually she concluded with her story, although, not realizing she forgot the most important part. "She said yes." said Will softly. Her parents jumped up from the table to embrace the new couple.

They stood there for a few minutes, crying, laughing, talking over each other, before Susan spoke up. "William, it's getting dark, you should probably head home. Besides, my daughter and I have a wedding to plan!"

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