Chapter 2

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So she arrived at school and was like ugh I forgot my" lip gloss Lacey was her friend she quickly yelled a Lacey to give her some of hers! Lacey was not the smartest of the group if you know what I mean! But it does not matter! So of course Lacey had to give up the lip gloss to be POPULAR! So here comes bonica the not so popular girl! But it does not matter ether! So here comes the popular boy up to bonica! Yes I know what your thinking to the unpopular girl! What! He goes up to bonica's locker and then as you know Lindsay says hold my purse lacey so Lacey holds her purse and then here comes Lindsay to bonica's locker and says to Levi so are you free tonight Levi says actually I was about to ask bonica out Lindsay walks away

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