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  A MUFFLED CALLS of the female's name were heard, her eyelids feeling heavy and yet the h/c haired female tried hard to open them. suddenly a wave of strong pain went through y/n's whole body, quiet groan escaping her slightly chapped lips afterwards.

   "y/n, darling..." flattering open, her e/c eyes tried to adjust to the bright light, coming from the afternoon sky. "hange...?" the h/c haired female's voice came out raspy and quiet as she saw the person she had fell in love with, kneeling next to her laying body, gently caressing her cheek.

   a sigh of relief escaped the brunette's lips, followed by a small, throaty chuckle. "what's going-" y/n propped herself on her elbows, before another wave of pain shot through her entire body, this time never leaving.

    "don't!" raising their voice, hange used their other hand to gently push the female back down into laying position. y/n's face scrunched up from the pain, that was coming from her lower abandon and both legs, as she took a deep and sharp breath in.

   "what... what happend?" the e/c eyed female's voice slightly broke, as her eyes locked onto hange's sad, hazel ones. "you don't remember?" the hazel eyed person faintly furrowed their eyebrows.

   closing her e/c eyes for a few seconds, y/n realised the awful dream wasn't just a dream after all. "the titan..." she whispered, biting her bottom lip afterwards, with her eyes still shut closed.

   as the female opened her e/c eyes, gazing down at her legs, trying not to cause more pain, a breath hitched in y/n's throat the second her gaze landed on her blood soaked abandon and visibly broken legs. biting the inside of her cheek from the sight little too hard, caused the h/c haired female taste the blood inside her mouth.

  tears sprinkled in y/n's e/c eyes, as the crushing pain was getting more and more unbearable, as the female realised there's nothing they can do and this is it. this is the end.

   y/n's heart was beating rapidly fast, while memories filled her fastly rushing mind. all the pain the female has been through, all those good and bad decisions she made in her life, but most importantly... all those happy memories that always warmed up her loving heart.

   "you're going to be alright, my dear." softly stroking y/n's h/c hair, a small smile appeared on hange's face, but the female could see right through it. ignoring the amount of pain she was in, y/n raised her hand towards the brunette's face, placing it on hange's cheek, her thumb softly brushing over it.

   "i'm always gonna alright, when i am with you." at y/n's words, hange sharply breathed in, shutting their hazel eyes shut, melting into the female's warm touch, before breathing out, not being able to hold it back anymore as few silent tears streamed down the brunette' cheeks.

  not wanting to admit how this is the last conversation they'll be sharing with y/n, the person they had fell in love with, hange pursed their lips, not wanting it to be true. the brunette wished they could spend more time with the person, that made them realise life isn't just about fighting and surviving, no matter how cheesy it sounded.

   hange wanted to believe there might be another chance for y/n to survive and for both of them to have the chance to do something more about their mutual feelings towards each other.

   a painful hiss escaped the female's chapped lips, as she bit down on her tongue, trying not to make any more hurt sounds to alert anyone, clearly failing. hange's eyes flattered open the second y/n's hand disappeared, already missing the satisfying warmth of it.

   "i don't-" a loud, violent cough escaping the female's lips, cut her words off. "i don't think i can do this much longer." hating and being afraid of the fact she's running out of time, a silent tear rolled down y/n's face.

    "no-" the hazel eyed person  shook their head from side to side, pursing their lips, while holding back a sob. "hange..." the h/c haired female whispered as the brunette gently placed both of their hands on each side of y/n's face, not even wanting to blink at the nerve-racking moment, being afraid of missing some important moment.

   "it's fine, please just-" y/n swallowed loudly as everyone else on the cart tried to give both of them at least a little bit of privacy by looking away, also feeling down because of their slowly dying comrade. "just listen."

   "it's now or never, y/n." the female thought to herself.

   it pained her to talk, but nothing could hurt y/n more than the state her body was in and the fact she might die, without saying the truth, she kept on the inside the whole time.

   "i'm so, so sorry for not telling you this earlier." slowly placing her hand on top of the brunette's one, y/n took a deep breath. "hange, i... i love you."

   as those three words left the girl's lips, hange's hazel eyes widened, before realising what was y/n doing and thinking. she accepted her own death, wanting to take the heavy weight off her chest and leave without any more regrets.

   the brunette's other hand made it's way towards the back of the female's head, carefully lifting her head up. "y/n, please..." as they pressed their foreheads against each other, tears formed up in the corners of hange's eyes once again. "please stay just a little longer."

   gulping down, hurtful thoughts filled y/n's mind. "i wish i could. i wish..." the e/c eyed female thought to herself, her grip on the brunette's hand tightening. "hange-"

   "no, y/n." straightening themselves, hange slowly shook their head from side to side. "please, i need to hear you say it." y/n's voice was slightly above a whisper, yet the hazel eyed person was able to hear it.

   a sharp breath was inhaled by the female, as her eyelids started to feel heavy. "h-hange..." y/n's calling out was so quiet barely hange themselves could hear it this time. as the female's warm hand left the top of the brunette's, realisation of y/n running out of time hit them.

   hardly trying to leave her e/c eyes open, y/n didn't wanted to leave, without hearing the person they craved so much for say those same three words. choking out a sob, hange leaned towards the female's face, longingly pressing a soft kiss on her forehead, furrowing their eyebrows as someone just harshly punched them in the stomach.

   "i love you, y/n." they muttered, raising their head just to see a small, satisfied smile plastered on y/n's face, right before her e/c eyes hushedly closed forever.

(❗) A/N : this lowkey hurted me to write- the next chapter should be some sasha braus fluff, so be ready💗💞❤💌💞💌💖💞❤💗💓💖💞💌❤💓💗


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