part 1

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On the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began.

Sir Reginald Hargreeves eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many children as possible.

               He got eight of them
Number 1- Luther
Number 2- Diego
Number 3- Allison
Number 4- Klause
Number 5- five (disappeared)
Number 6- Ben (deceased)
Number 7- Vanya
Number 8- Ellie (Me) 

               He got eight of themNumber 1- LutherNumber 2- DiegoNumber 3- AllisonNumber 4- KlauseNumber 5- five (disappeared)Number 6- Ben (deceased)Number 7- VanyaNumber 8- Ellie (Me) 

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This is me. My name is Ellie. Nobody knows about me but I know about everyone else. The only two people who know about me are Allison and five. When sir Reginald adopted me he discovered that we all had powers. Mine were classed as too dangerous and so he took me down to the basement and locked me in a room with no windows. It was black with foam spikes on it. It was a more secure version of the room Vanya was put in to help with her magic. They are to absorb my magic. Allison was brought down to rumour me to make me forget I had magic. Unfortunately it didn't work. A little while after that a cute boy came down to the basement and to the room I was in. His name was five. He was bored and hadn't been in the basement before. He came down to explore because he couldn't sleep. We became instant friends and he would sneak down to see me when he could. One day he didn't come. I waited for a week but he still never came.
I have the IQ of 206 so i got really bored and started making a machine. I accidentally grabbed the wrong wire and the next thing I knew, I was outside. Everyone was gone and everything was burned to ash. I had no idea what a shit hole the world was. I could hear a boy crying in the distance. I saw him and walked up to him. It was five. I was so happy to see him again. He got up and hugged me. It was nice. I hadn't had one in a week cause he left. He explained what had happened and I told him about the machine. We spent the next 42 years together until one day a lady came to us. She called herself the handler and she gave us a job at a place called the  commission. The commission protects the time line and gets rid of any threats. We were at the commission for two years until we were at our last kill.
I was complaining to five that I want to go back to the umbrella academy. I never used the term home because I didn't have one. I don't see the academy as a home and I never did. He put the gun down and looked at his notes in extra ordinary. He opened a portal and we saw a group of four people. A man in a skirt and a jacket came running out with a fire extinguisher and threw it at us. It was heading straight to my head causing me to scream and duck. Five grabbed my hand and told me not to let go. I wouldn't dream of it. We pushed our way through the portal causing us to fall side by side. The man that threw the extinguisher asked if anyone else saw a tiny five. We both got up and looked at each other. We were thirteen again. Five said shit and I hit him and told him to be polite.
We went inside and I sat on the counter while five made peanut butter and marshmallow sandwiches. He was asking for the exact date and I yet again hit him and told him to be nice. Allison and the others kept glancing at me making me a little uncomfortable. Five could see it and got them all to look at him again. Allison kept looking at me and she finally talked. She asked if she knew me from somewhere and I told her about her trying to rumour me and everything else. Everyone was shocked to know that I had been living under them the whole time. Five left and I apologised for  how rude he was being. After that I left too. Pogo gave me a room and everyone went to bed. I had never spent a night without five since we  disappeared. I felt lonely. I got up and walked to fives room. He was still up. He moved over and I went and sat with him. We ended up falling asleep together like we do every night.

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