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I am dwarkaratna Subhadra. As I was the youngest nd the most pampered in my family, I got everything as a maiden. I always felt content about my life. Hearing the name of marriage, I was fearing to get separated from my brothers. Because I never thought even a fraction of second without them. That's why I never dreamed of my future life partner madly.

I heard about my Arya from everyone as his praises were sung by everyone, but specially from my bhrata krishn. Arya nd bhrata both were just not only friends. They were soulmates. By hearing about Arya from bhratasri, at first respect for his personality made a irreplaceable place in my heart. I started admiring his unique virtues.

I know my Arya was the desired prince Charming of all the princesses at that time. But rather than his charm, his personality had captured my heart firstly. When my dau had agreed  about my marriage with prince duryodhan, I didn't feel comfortable about it. As I already knew about his deeds. My brothers are the resemblance of positivity nd love. So I wasn't wishing to be separated from them by being the better half of a self motive obsessed person.

Yes, I loved my Arya. But I never wanted to snatch jyeshtha's position in his life. Because in my views snatching someone's rightful possession is a disgusting principle. Before my arrival to Arya's life there were many important persons in his life whose sacrifices had remarkable contribution in nurturing the base of his life. Jyeshtha was among one of them. She was the soul cause of togetherness in panadav family. I always tried my all level not to make her feel uncomfortable with my presence nd regarding my any deed.

Now I will ask my questions.

(1) Despite of having all good qualities in ur future life partner would you  marry him/ her if you won't feel comfortable with him/ her?

(2) Would you marry someone whose personality nd principles of life won't match with your virtues?

(3) Would you allow a person to bind your spirits nd thoughts in boundaries of relationship?

(4) Would be agree to be used by anyone for accomplishing his/ her tasks that too inauspicious nd negative tasks?

If all the answers are no, then where's my fault in marrying my Arya?

(6) In order to show me in bad light how can people are defaming my bhratasri by saying that he pressurised my Arya? Aren't their conscience preventing them slightly even for a single time?

(7) If many are thinking that our marriage had happened because of destiny not out of love then tell me, is destiny planned unnecessarily? Doesn't it has any cause?

(8) If most are thinking that my Arya accepted our marriage because of his any aim then say me isn't it a duty nd good fortune of wife to have her part in the deeds nd fulfillment of aims of her husband? If yes then what's wrong in my case?

Answer my all questions then see ur self in mirror nd say that I was wrong. Then hate me as much as you want. I don't have any objections.

So sakhis,  here's the complete update.I have done my part. Now it's all urs turn.


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