Not A Word

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything!

Claimer: I do own the story plot.

A/N: Hi, I'm soooo happy that you guys like my story.


Well, to everyone else who likes my story, here's chapter three. Enjoy!

Pan The VirginChapter 3: Not a Word

"Dr. Suzuki, I think we should tell her..."

"No!" the doctor snapped"

But, I mean, she probably won't even get pregnant, you know, it's only ninety-five percent accurate and maybe..."

"No! I'm not taking any chances! What if she does get pregnant! Then I'll end up in jail, and I will not go alone" he said

Ms. Kajishima, the nurse, got the message loud and clear, but what if the girl did get pregnant, she could come and sue everyone.She shook that thought, 'No maybe she won't... but if she does... my whole life could be ruined, not only would I lose my job, but no other clinic or hospital would hire me... then again if she does get pregnant, it doesn't necessarily have to be the clinic's fault, she'll probably think she got pregnant from sleeping with her boyfriend or something...'

"All right, not a word to anyone" she said '...for now'

"Good! Now come, we must make an excuse for the Briefs" the doctor said walking towards the room, the nurse following behind.

"Hello, sorry to keep you waiting" Dr. Suzuki said as he entered the room"

Oh, thank Kami, I was afraid you might have forgotten about us" Marron said.

The doctor turned to the nurse"Um, well you see... we had a problem and, Mr. Brief, we need you to give more sperm" the nurse said nervously

"Uh... ok" Trunks said confused.

"Please follow me"

"Mom, Dad, I'm back!"

"Hi Pan, how'd it go?" Videl asked from the living room.

"Everything's ok" Pan said as she sat down on the sofa next to Gohan".

That's good, I don't want anything bad to happen to my little angel" Gohan said.

"Dad! I'm not little, I'm 19!"

"I know honey, I know, but to me you'll always be my little baby"

Pan rolled her eyes "Listen, do you mind if I go over to Bra's for a while?"

Gohan looked at Videl, she nodded.

"Be back by eight"

"Ok!" Pan stood up and left to Capsule Corp.

One hour later:

Pan and Bra were sitting outside by the pool eating watermelon.

"So, how'd it go at the doctor?

Did you see Marron and my brother?" Bra asked."

Your brother?" Pan asked confused.

"Yeah, he and Marron were going today" Bra said.

"What for?" Pan asked.

"Well, I don't know, I just knew they were going to go, that's all Mom told me"

"Well, I didn't see him"

"Goten?" Bra asked.

"No... your brother..." Pan said.

"No, I mean... Goten!" Bra said pointing behind her.Pan turned around and saw Goten walking towards them.

"Hey Uncle!" Pan greeted him.

"Pan, can I ask you something?"

"Sure Uncle"

"Am I old?" he asked.

"Uh... no, why?"

"Then stop calling me uncle!"Pan and Bra laughed.

"Ok Un... I mean Goten"Goten rolled his eyes and turned to Bra "How are you?"

"I'm ok," Bra said blushing.

"That's good to hear"

Bra was getting more and more nervous because Goten kept staring at her, Pan noticed this and decided to help her.

"So, Goten what brings you here?"

"Oh... yeah" Goten said snapping out of his staring trance.Bra looked at Pan and mouthed the words 'thank you' to her, Pan just smiled.

"I came to ask Bra out, but since you're here, maybe we can all go out" he said.

"Where to?"

"I dunno, you guys hungry?"

"Always thinking with your stomach Un..." Goten looked at her.


"Well, let's go" Bra said. And as she stood up Marron and Trunks walked into their house, Marron with a pharmacy bag on her hand.

"Ok, I'll be out in a sec"

Trunks grabbed her arm "Remember Marron, it might still be too soon to tell"Marron nodded and walked into the bathroom.

Trunks sat down on the couch and closed his eyes 'Oh Kami, please, you know how bad I want to have a kid, please help us' he thought.

Marron was waiting patiently for the stick to show the results 'I know for sure that I'm pregnant now' she thought, she picked up the stick and as soon as she saw it, she ran out of the bathroom to see Trunks.

Trunks looked at her "So?"

A/N: Well, there you go chapter three. I know nothing important happened in this chapter but, I did get a little bit of B/G for everyone who likes the couple. So what do you think? Is Marron pregnant? Sorry to leave it like this, please don't kill me! Anyways, I'll have the next chapter out soon, please review!

Randomly picked quote: "What is taking that Namek so long?!! Really!! Doesn't he know he's wasting important people's time?! If he stays in there any longer I'll BREAK that door down and calmly DRAG HIM OUT!!" (Vegeta while kicking the door to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber when Piccolo was inside - Episode: A New Guardian)

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