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No one's POV:

It was a quiet night in Vinyl City, well, not that quite, after all, the carnival had arrived to the town! Attractions, games and all kinds of entertainment! Everyone was there, and with everyone, I mean everyone... You don't believe me? Well, what about we take a closer look to the crowd? Can you see those five figures? The ones wearing black hoodies? Have you noticed their shiny hair and cheeks? Those are 1010, the second most famous idols of the city, just after EVE. They used to be mass produced robots, no feelings, no personalities. They had such lack of individuality that they called selfies "wefies"! But now, Neon J, their creator and manager, gave them the humanity they needed, and most importantly, their own names.

Zimelu is the one with the red mohawk. He's the "bad boy" of the group, but he can be really nice once you get to know him!

The one with the pointy yellow hair is Haym, the most optimistic and enthusiastic of the band. He usually is the one who gets in trouble, but he doesn't do it with bad intention.

Then we have the one with black aviators and blue straight hair. His name is Purl-hew, and he is usually the chill guy.

There is Eloni too. He is the one with curly green hair and a loop. He's the funny kind of guy. Unluckily, he almost never gets fan mail. Even so, his brothers support him and make him know that he's loved.

Lastly, we have Rin. He has wavy white hair. He takes the role of the "leader" on stage and the role of "responsible big brother" when he's not. He is the most flirty of the bunch, but he knows when it's time to stop.

You may be asking: "Why are they hiding anyway?" One word: fangirls. They follow them everywhere, they stalk them through the gates of their mansion, they send inappropriate letters all the time... The boys like to have a big fanbase, but sometimes it's too much for them. That's why they try not to make eye contact with anyone, they just want to enjoy the carnival like everyone else!

As I was saying, the boys were exploring the streets, looking at the attractions they wanted to ride, but couldn't because of the fear of being discovered.

Eventually, they reached the Festival Plaza, full of things to see and, most importantly, the Great Qwazza, a marvelous machine capable of producing energy from music. They were about to turn back to Metro Division when Rin started to talk:

-Boys, are you really gonna give up that easily? What would the captain say?

-I don't know -said Haym. -What would he say?

R. -He would tell us to find a solution!

-I can't really think about it with all this people... -Said Purl-hew, suddenly being cut off by Zimelu.

Z. -That's it! We'll split up!

-Are you sure that's a good idea? What if we get lost? -Asked Eloni a bit worried.

R. -What about we meet here in an hour?

E. -Hmmm... I guess that solves the problem.

H. -Ok then! See you guys!

All. -Cyaaaaaaaaa!

And like that, all the boys split up, but for now we are going to follow Rin. He didn't exactly know where to go, so he took a look at the attractions, bought some cotton candy (Neon J had also developed a special digestive system for the boys) and enjoyed the moment. After a while, he saw a very special tent. It seemed to belong to a woman that could "read the future". He didn't actually believe in those kinds of things, of course, but the hour that his brothers had put limit was ending, and he had nothing better to do, so he decided to give it a try. After the last person came came out, the robot struggled to get inside (I guess that being like 7 feet tall has its perks) and sat down.

-Ah, you finally arrived! I was waiting for you... Rin... -Said a woman covered in heavy clothing.

-Wait... How did you know my name miss? I thought that was classified information... -He tried to say before being cut off by the woman.

-What do you think of madness, Rin? -She asked.

-Well, madness is certainly a curious state of mind... -He said, just to be cut off again.

-Oh, dear, madness is not a state of mind. Madness is a place... Let's go there, shall we?

-Okaaaaay? What are we gonna do there? -He asked, feeling confused.

-See what awaits you, silly! Let me see... Oh, lucky you! You'll find a beautiful girl! You'll both have to fight for what you love, and you will get separated sometimes, but your love will help you overcome every problem! -She said happily.

-Got it. Is there anything else I should know?

-Yes... Remember this: "Different denotes neither bad nor good, but it certainly means 'not the same'".

-Ok, thank you, miss! See you soon! -Said the robot.

-Yea, see you really soon... in Wonderland.

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