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"So where we going exactly?" Said moly. "How I'm i suppose to know do I look like I know everything"mumbled amy."Yes you do, your my big sister." Said moly. "Well for now I'm NOT your big sister." Why, your always my sister right mom?" Said moly. "Well your just 10 and YOU want to participate." Laughed amy. "IM NOT JUST 10 IM TEN AND A HALF MISS.BULLY PEOPLE JUST BECAUSE OF THEIR AGE." Yelled moly. "Stop yelling," said Amy, " your breaking my ear drums." "Well I don't care." Said moly"Were here girls." Said mom"Why are we at a museum? Said moly confused." Well I don't know the GPS led me here." Said mom.

As they got out of the car moly yelled "last one to the door is the spoiled potato." "3.......2..........1......hahahahah I get a head start." Said moly. As their were running you know moly fell and ya. "Bahahahahhah you fell." Laughed amy. "It's NOT funny." Said moly. "Oh my God what happened to you." Said mom worried. "It's all Amy's fault she said last one their is the spoiled potato." Moly lied. "Hey stop lying you said that." Said amy. "Well I have a first aid kit" mom proudly said. " Why do you always have a first aid kit?" Said amy. "Because" said mom while putting a bandage on moly s left leg and right arm. "Whatever" said amy annoyed because moly lied."I'm going in. Said moly escaping out of moms hand. "No come back here" amy said while running."Hey moly" mom yelled while standing up. "Wow, why are their blue balloons?" Questioned moly while limping off to the big open sign. "Wait up" yelled amy. "I don't want to listen to YOU." Moly said annoyed. "Your gonna get hurt." Amy said worried. " you SHOULDN'T  worry about after all your not my big sister for now. Ignored moly. "Ok when you get hurt I won't be their." Said amy. "FINE ILL LISTEN I DONT WANT TO GET HURT! yelled moly.

Then their mom entered and they explored. Then it's time to register. "Hello my two daughters want to participate  names are amy norswash and moly norswash." Mom shared to the man. "Children above 10 must be with an older child." Said the man. "Luckly I'm 10 and a HALF so basically im 11. Moly said proudly. "Shhhhhhhh stop talking you have a big mouth." Whispered amy while tying her shoe lace. "You have a big mouth." Said moly like she doesn't actually have a big mouth. "Shhhhhhhh!" Said Every one in the line before them.

After they got they tickets they sat down to listen to the lecture. Amy was waiting for the lecture to finish but at the end they was another one. But amy brought her phone. "AMY why are you on your phone!" Moly said. "Because"Amy said. "AMY put that phone away."mom said. "But-" amy whined. "No buts." Mom said. "Hahahaha, get it butt!!?!?!." Moly said. Shhhhhhh everyone said including mom.

After the long painful THREE lectures they went home. "Sooooo" moly said. "Just shut up." Said amy. "YOU SHUT UP." Said moly. You so annoying moly your name is even a drug." Laughed amy. "Well my name isn't a drug the moly YOUR talking about has two Ls'." Said moly smiling. "Wait your name has one L." Questioned amy. "See you don't even know how to spell my name." Said moly. "Excuse me yes I do this is how to spell the PROPER molly M,O,L,L,Y." "Well that is still not my name." Said moly. "Girls girls stop fighting about NAMES." Said mom annoyed. "Sorry mom." Said moly.

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