Chapter 5

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Hey :) hope you enjoy this new chapter ily



When my alarm wakes me up this morning I'm reminded of yesterday's events and what occurred last night before my ritual of watching movies with my dog and max after a long day of work.

No matter what time it is max will always stay with me because he knows I hate being alone after a hard day and I love to vent to people.

I remember last night when we finally reached my house after me shouting relentlessly at max to try and stop him from waving his hands in front of Harry's face and occasionally prodding his nose or chin to wake him up. Hes annoying as fuck sometimes.

For starters max was supposed to be driving and every single time he made contact with Harry's anatomy Harry's unconscious hand rose and waved unknowingly in the air followed by a very quiet hum of words along the lines of 'quit it' or 'fuck off' but most commonly 'that tickles'.

However once we got to my pad Harry was completely out of it and he wouldn't make any noise or movement unless it was a soft light snore or smushing his hands further into his cheek as a pillow against the cars cold window.

"What are we supposed to do about that then?" Max says once we have gotten out of the car and opened Harry's door causing his hands and head to drop slightly but no sign of him waking up.

"Wake him up" I say as if it's obvious. Following my statement I reach my hand into the car and tap his cheek lightly. After I see no movement I press my full palm into the right side of his face and smush his cheek with enough force to wake a sloth at the worst of times.

"Great idea Bee, stick your finger up his nose while you're at it." I can hear max retort sarcastically. How is this guy still sleeping. As one final option I kick his foot and then his shin with my heels definitely hard enough to leave a small bruise but theres still no response. I huff in defeat. Would it really be the worst thing if he slept in the car?

"Well what should we do then max? Hmmm? You got anythin'?" I say while turning around seeing him standing behind me with a smug grin and his arms crossed over his black hoodie that looks exceptionally warm compared to how im dressed.

"You gotta' spare bedroom?" He knows what he's doing when he asks me this and I can tell because he moves closer to me and his eyebrows nearly leave his forehead with how high he raised them.

"Can you imagine waking up in a strangers spare bedroom after being drunk. He will freak out Max, just imagine how awkward that conversation would be, 'oh hey yeah me and my driver tried waking you up but you wouldn't so we collected your unconscious body from the car and dropped you in the spare bedroom'. Please I would run for the hills."

Max's eyebrows furrow as he thinks about my reply, as he's thinking I feel his arms wind around my waist and his extra warmth is very welcome, "we would tuck him in and take off his shoes?"

"Yeah that makes it sound better." I respond with a giggle which causes max to light up instantly.

"I promise it will be okay. Once you explain the situation he will understand. And he wasnt that drunk he'll remember, kay'?" I nod my head in agreement with max. We separate and both reach into the car to pull harrys dead weight up.

I didn't think about how heavy this guy would be Jesus.

I don't understand how he didn't wake up from max hauling him through the house like a bride on her wedding day who had one too many glasses of champagne while I had the job of opening and closing doors to assist him.

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