I'm with you don't worry~

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       Hinata pov:
As I pulled up my shorts and took my bandages off that's when half of the team started to cry and as I watch them cry it made me feel horrible. I just collapse on the floor on my knees crying as hard as possible. It was hard to watch my team mate's cry because of me. I started to wip my tears and clean up. I went to the bathroom and clean up the blood and cuts. My whole body still hurts but less pain. I do have a headache so a drink some water. I walked out of the bathroom and start to pack up my stuff and then said bye to everyone. I didn't want to go home so I just walked around a bit. I went to the store to grab some snacks. I was on my phone and I bumped into someone I fell on the ground and I  saying without looking up

"Sorry I wasn't watching were I was going my apologies"

The person who I bumped into helped me up and the voice sound so familiar I then look up to see a tall man looks about 16 or 17 he is wearing a black shirt with a red flannel wrapped around his waist with white jeans he has dark chocolate eyes that shine and dark brown hair that is swept outwards then I realized who it was.


He smile but then I saw his expression change very fast his look, looked like an shocked and concern look

"Great king are you okay?"

He just huged me and asked me

"Chibi-chan what happened to you why do you look so beat up?"

I then realized what he was talking about I forgot to cover up the bruises and cuts and hickeys.....

"W-what do you m-mean?"

I tried to stop stuttering but it was no help.

" Chibi-chan you know what I mean what happened to you?!"

I just looked down and start to cry oikawa just huged me and ask me if I wanted o come to him house

"It's okay great king I'm fine...."

"No I insist your staying at mine for tonight I don't care what you say"

I was honestly really happy and glad that I didn't have to go home

"So chibi-chan what happened to you?"

I then started to explain after a couple of minutes of silent after I told him what happened I started to cry more and he just started to cuddle me and hug me stay

"Shh everything is gonna be okay but you need to break up with Tobio-chan and quit your job understand"

I smiled and responded

"Hehe yes great king I will and thank you for everything I appreciate it alot "

He laughed a bit which made me blush because just come on he so hot

"No problem chibi-chan and stop calling me great king I really don't like it"

I apologise and he just smirked and said

"You can call me what ever just not shittykawa or flattykawa okay it's pretty annoying"

I laugh a bit and say

"Prettykawa? Is that okay?"

Oikawa pov:
I hear


I started to blush so hard. I really wanted to kiss him but I have no idea if he likes me back and I couldn't kiss him because he all ready has a boyfriend

"Chibi-chan you know what?"

"Yeah Oika-Senpai?"

"Your gonna live with me from no on got it there is no point of arguing with me about it you are staying here from no on."
All I could tell was he was happy about it because he had that bright smile on him face he just huged me tighter

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