Spilled Ink

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Sun peers through slanted blinds, stretching fingers through messy brown hair. Grayson stretches, peeking his eyes open to see James pacing a few feet away. The conversation is hushed, James using his hands to talk even if the other person couldn't see.

He watches the way James faces the window, hand to his forehead in distress. There's a twitch to Grayson's lip, the way he drops his head to his own shoulder. Tired, but still wanting to watch the man before him.

There's a clashing of hues, James sparing Grayson a glance before fully turning at the sight of him awake. He looks apologetic, mouthing a 'sorry' that Grayson shakes off. He'd fallen asleep next to James last night, mid-conversation and too tired to drive himself home. James wouldn't mention the tangle of limbs they'd become that night, wrapping around one each other like their lives depended on such. He was happy he'd woken up first, too scared of what Grayson would have thought had he'd known.

"What are my options?" James said, taking a seat next to Grayson. He's met with a content sigh, Grayson sliding his head underneath James's arm. Manicured nails run through his hair, Grayson listening to the conversation with ease.

"Well, I can't do those- I literally have a meeting tomorrow morning," James huffs, tugging at Grayson's hair lightly in frustration. Grayson places a hand on his back, rubbing at the tension plaguing James's shoulders. It's an almost instant reaction, the way James leans into his touch with a sigh.

"Can you give me a second? I need a second opinion," James sighs, muting his phone and looking down at Grayson. There's a soft smile on both of their faces, the worry fading from James's face.

"What's up?" Grayson asks, his eyes never straying from James's. It was different to see the other boy without his contacts, thick frames resting on the bridge of his nose. Grayson adored it, loved the way freckles scattered like constellations on his skin.

"My flight got canceled- just my luck, right?" James starts, leaning into Grayson's touch more as he lets out a long sigh. "I can either take a hundred dollars and drive to the airport two hours away, take fifty and wait three hours on a train, or wait until tomorrow."

"Well, we both know waiting until tomorrow is off the table," Grayson said, leaving the comfort of James to sit up. "Riding the train kind of just sucks."

"I can't drive to the airport and leave my car there," James groans, tossing his head back and violently rubbing his eyes beneath his glasses. A frown mars Grayson's face, watching the frustration seep back into James. He hesitates, hand hovering over James's thigh before he sets it down and gives it a squeeze.

"I'll drive you," he offers without an ounce of hesitation, not even a thought on how much gas would cost. The way James lights up is enough, relief flooding his features. Grayson wishes he could frame this moment on his wall, the ecstatic smile that radiates from James.

"Wait, no," James said, eyebrows pulling together before he rests a hand on Grayson's chest. "I'd feel so bad making you take me. That's pretty much half of your day, Gray."

"You're worth it," Grayson replies simply, shrugging his shoulders and grinning at James. He's met with a blush and a light punch to his arm.

"Shut up," James said, a laugh dripping from his lips before he starts picking at an imaginary lint on Grayson's black t-shirt. "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely," Grayson said, already untangling himself from the sheets. He didn't even have time to get ready, not caring too much about that. His hair was sticking in every direction, last nights shirt filled with wrinkles. James would be lying if said he didn't find Grayson just as attractive in this moment.

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