The Story you've been told

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"Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess called Indra who lived in the beautiful kingdom of Andelastra (ancient Nepal). She was as witty and smart as a whip and the most ravishing woman in the whole world. Her beauty was undeniable and incomparable. Charming and genuine. Everything the kingdom could have wished for a princess and a future queen. But at the age of ten Indra witnesses the young king, her father, died of a strange genetic disease that make his heart skip a few beats, making the pace of the living waltz unbearable to live a second longer. So the council of Andelastra called for the princess to step up and be turned queen immediately despite her young age. As a result of this, the council debated and decided that she will need an extra support from a royal tutor that could help her succeed as a queen. When the time got to select that royal tutor, they called for help to the strongest Flaire of the land to be in charge of the small queen. 

For the people that live in far away lands or that have never seen or heard about flaires, they are just like humans but at the age of twenty-one they develop a tattoo that will represent the power and the intensity, suggested by the design and the colour, of the connection with the book of Rosenberg. The now prohibited book of Rosenberg has all the enchantments and mystical knowledge of the universe. Legend tells that the book was created by the "Inventor" himself that in the search of creating better humans, he gave 0.01% of the population the gift to read this powerful book that will unlock the fullest potential and capacity of any human being. Some wars have passed and from that small existent population flaires became even more scarce. But from the ashes of an abandoned flaires town, rose the strongest flaire in the known history, she was meant to be the chosen one that would lead all flaires to happiness and balance with the human kingdom. This flaire had tattooed in her left arm a turquoise skull which was a unique and strange design as no flarie has ever been seen having those characteristics in their "Ēkkā'isa" tattoo.

As the time passed, the flaire taught the child all the tips and quirks of being a queen, until she turned eighteen and the tutorship was completed. Making the powerful Flaire lose the title of "Ādhā Ragata Queen" and Indra gained full access of the crown and kingdom. Then on her coronation day the queen spoke out and said "as her jealousy grew and grew with each year, the Evil Flaire, cursed me since I was a toddler to have me in line and have full control as well as access of the kingdom for her own personal gain. But once I meet Prince Dominic, our true love set the timeless curse free." In later statements the queen talked about how she struggled to get control again of her kingdom again, but like always, good and love wins in the end, getting the queen and the prince Dominic what they wanted. Or at least they thought... Because lurking in the shadows a great evil inside the flaire was brewing. 

On their royal wedding day, the kind-hearted prince Dominic was cursed by the evil Flaire using The forbidden verse, a magical poem found in the book of Rosenberg that gives the flaire the ability to access the three forbidden powers. These being controlling birth, death and love at the users will. The flaire cast a "Saccā prēma" curse and kissed Dominic in hopes of having control over him, but their love was stronger. Indra defeated and exiles the flaire out of Andelastra and gives the kingdom a beloved and amazing king that gave prosperity and peace through the years. The royal couple as well as the whole kingdom a few months later rejoiced as they found out the news that they were having a baby prince growing inside Indra. 

Seven months later in one of the coldest and darkest nights, a group of flaires irrupted inside the castle, as they were followers of the Evil Flaire. They tied and paralysed everyone that crossed their paths with dark "Jādū" including the royals. As the leader of the flaires entered the room where the king and queen sleep, she cursed them with a "Sthira" spell that froze them in a conscious state for a few minutes. Then the flaire grabbed an enchanted knife with a "Mr̥tyu" spell and killed the queen. Oddly enough, the flaire spared the baby's life, as the king had to trade the royal ring for the baby boy's life, alive in his arms. The king couldn't trap her and decided to ask all of the citizens, as well as his own personal battalion, to find the Evil Flaire and bring her to the palace as soon as possible. The citizens were in a twenty-four-seven look out. But nothing worked. Until the Evil Flaire decided by her own decision to storm in the palace.

The Evil Flaire was captured as she gave the first step in the front porch of the castle and was transported & locked in the highest security prison cell the kingdom could create. She waited a few hours until king Dominic entered the cell. She wasn't armed with the book of Rosenberg, but she still was a danger as she was the strongest flaire. That is why she was wearing "Virōdhī jādū" spelled ankles and bracelets that prevented her of using her powers. Gossips and rumours tell that the king entered the prison and spoke to her for a few hours, then, having the flaire still alive, he carved her tattoo off as a trophy and got rid of her for good. Later on, Flaires all over the kingdom were terminated as they were traitors to the crown. A flaires full extinction was completed and achieved with golden results. Now single, and being the father of the new king growing up, Dominic reigns with kindness and mercy giving everyone the opportunity to get the happy ever after an Evil Flaire stole from him all those years. The end."

Well... That was an oversimplification... And most of those facts are just plainly wrong. What is this joke? Is this how the National Andelastran library has recorded this story? I'm done with this crap. This isn't even the beginning of the story, it's just the middle. They carved and smooth any part that they thought that could hurt the royals' reputation. Where is the adventure? The romance? The quest? The forbidden? The loss... If you really want to know the complete story, you need to hear it from the only one who wants to tell the truth, me, the "Evil Flaire" herself, Marah.

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