Valmar, a Flaire is born

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Who would have thought that in the year 600 AFW and for the first time in 550 years a pure breed flaire was born from the depths of illegality. Two flaires can't be together, two flaires can create a monster, two flaires can bring destruction to the peace that our grand-grand-grandparents have granted us with years and years of spilled blood. My mother, Valmar, was a very cunning flaire that despite having the pink swan tattoo ("Gulābī hansa") which signified a great level of control over her powers and her specialization being in fabricating happy endings, she decided to wear a long "Prāntaṭā'una" blue dress with sleeves that covered her markings. She worked for a wealthy family of lords that were in charge of the organizations of all royal festivities. My mother was in charge of giving a special magic touch to those amazing parties to make an illusion of the perfect picture that the royals loved so much. She used her own father Rosenberg book that was passed over generations to practice, use and absorb as much knowledge as she could. She was known as being one of the lucky ones ("Bhāgyamānī") as she could live in a lord's palace with food always on the table and every night a main assistance in the beautiful royal balls ("Sundara śāhī balaharū") In another hand, Saltimer, my father was more of an unlucky gal.

Saltimer was a young spirited flaire with an orange book tattoo ("Suntalā gulāba kitāba") which meant he was a very powerful creative source regarding the Rosenberg book. He could bend and change incantations with a simple and fast snap of his fingers and helped to create new verses that were later added on into the new versions of the Rosenberg book. He struggled to eat and survive day by day as his powers weren't useful for the human Lords, they were only useful for other fairies that gave him some simple works to help him survive the cold Andalastran winters. But a human lord called Testiam was planning on creating the first human book of Rosenberg, but for that he needed book tattooed flaires. Luckily for my dad there were only two in the kingdom, and the latter died a few months ago. They were dying like flies. So Testiam decided to invite Saltimer to the next Springtime Royal Ball ("Spriṅgaṭā'ima rōyala bala") Little did he knew that there he would meet the love of her life...

My dad described the moment that she met my mom as life changing, as something straight from a flairetale. The've danced, talked, eat and kiss in a perfect night that suddenly turned into a nightmare. As they were walking in the forest one of the branches ripped Valmar's sleeve which revealed her flaire status. My dad freak out and told her that he was also a flaire which meant their love was not only forbidden, but also if they make a mistake, it could mean a future war with the tyranic humans. So what they decided to do was part ways and never see each other again. But sometimes love has a very twisted way of uniting two souls, as both my dad's kept on crossing each other paths, may that be in the town, in balls and even at Saltimer's new work. One night my mom appeared at my dad's house as she broke the old family Rosenberg Book by accident casting an earth-shattering-happy-spell ("Pr̥thvī cakanācūra - khuśī-jādū"), but it turned up being more of a book shattering. They bouth work on the book day and night to recover the spells and with the help of my dad creating new ones like the highest protector spell ("Ucca sanrakṣaka jādū") which made the book pretty much unbreakable.

But one question remained in my dad's head as my mom stayed in his house for now a few weeks to work in repairing and creating the strongest Rosenberg book ever created, why she was creating a "Pr̥thvī cakanācūra - khuśī-jādū"? So one night he asked her. She reluctantly told him that all she did every day was creating happy ever afters for every human that crossed her path, she felt like a tool, an object, with no meaning in life until she met him. He was a beacon of life in her dark and hollow days, and she truly believes he is her own happy ending. But sadly they could never be together in fear of having an accident. But my father wisely said... "Love should not be fear, love should not be pain. Happiness is something we can create. Let's not fear of accidents, let's be together. Valmar, a Flaire is born only if we stick together, but also two flaire souls would be lost if we say our goodbyes with this bad weather." So they kissed, they were not wise, they were not rational, they were on the verge of creating the flaire the've so dreadfully feared and avoided.

Once they found out that my mother was carrying me in the womb they were bouth mortified by the idea that I turn out to be an Evil Flaire. The irony of it all. So the've decided to start casting enchantments at a young age, 1 month and 3 days to be precise. They gave me a light path destiny ("Prakāśa mārga gantavya"), they magnetized out all of the bad attributes a flaire can have ("Kharāba guṇaharū cumbaka gariyō"), they worked on an enchantment that made my core to be filled by love and light even in the darkest places ("Prēma prēmalē bhariyō"). Then they've concocted a plan slash story about my parents. They've decided to say that my mom had an affair with a lord human, and that he doesn't want to know anything about a possible flaire baby, so she has to take care of me on her own. Until she met Saltimer, a good man that decided to adopt me as a daughter of sorts. That could be the only way we can be together as a family without any repercussions of the treason my parents have committed to the treaty established in the Great Flaire War 600 years ago. 

And to think that this dumb rule was set when an Oracle Flaire saw that the pure breed flaire born from the ashes of the war will bring a revolution to the flaires and the humans that will destroy everything on its way. Thank god it isn't me. Well... it is me, but I don't think I destroy everything on my way... well... um... actually. Rethinking that dumb statement, it kind of holds true on some aspects but not all of the aspects. Really, what is wrong with these stories and predictions telling half-baked truths that paint me as a villain. I'm NOT a villain. I'm NOT a villain and I will prove it, but that is in the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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