Camping Issues

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"Whatever. Ben definitely takes the cake." Jackie said, flipping her hair. "The tents are ready ladies!" Kris shouted. "Okay, we're coming!" Jackie shouted, I laughed. "Not like that you perv!" Jackie said, nudging my arm. "Yeah yeah whatever, let's go." I said, holding Jackie's hand and dragging her to the tent. "Us girls will stay in this tent, and the boys will stay in that tent." I said. "We all know that you want to share a tent with Kris girl, go over to the boy's tent." Jackie said, pushing me towards the boy's tent. I blushed and rolled my eyes. I walked towards Kris and sat down next to him. "Hey princess, guessing you wanna share a tent with me?" Kris said, looking at me. I looked at him and blushed. "Whatever idiot!" I said, crossing my arms and looking at the ground. "C'mon babe, I'm your boyfriend. You don't need to be scared of asking to share a tent with me." Kris said, using my head as a arm prop. "Fine, I wanna share a tent with you." I said, still looking at the ground. "See? Was that so hard?" Kris said, taking his arm off of my head and walking towards Kyle. "Hey dude, can you share a tent with Jackie?" Kris asked, looking at Kyle. "And why would I do that?" Kyle asked. "Because y/n wants to share a tent with me." Kris said, crossing his arms. "Ehhhhh......" Kyle said. "C'mon man, y/n's my girlfriend!" Kris said. "Okay okay fine, whatever." Kyle said, walking towards Jackie. Kris walked back to me. "Looks like you get to share a tent with me shortie." Kris said, smiling. "Hey! I am not short! I'm y/n sized." I said, crossing my arms and looking at the tent. "Whatever you say babe." Kris said, helping me up and taking me to the tent.

(A few hours later..)

Everyone was sleeping, I was cuddling with Kris, Jackie was cuddling with Kyle, the crickets were singing, the wind was blowing, it was peacful. I opened my eyes and sat up, looking around. I heard a stick crack, I looked at the front of the tent almost immediately. I got out of my sleeping bag and unzipped the tent quietly, not wanting to draw attention to me. I looked out the tent, I didn't see anyone so I guess it was a deer or something. I started zipping the tent back up, but before I could finish I heard a female voice that sounded like it could be a little girl. I pulled down the zipper slowly and looked around again. "Hello?.." I said, sounding like I just woke up. Which I did. I continued looking around and saw a little girl in a dirty pink dress, she had brown hair and green eyes, she also had blood dripping down her head. I unzipped the tent fully and walked towards her. "Are you okay?" I asked in a worried voice, crouching down to her level. She didn't say anything, she just hugged the teddy bear in her hand. I picked her up carefully and took her to my tent, I put her down next to my sleeping bag and shook Kris. "Kris wake up!" I said, still shaking him. "What?.." Kris said, looking at me. "This little girl is hurt!" I said pointed at the girl. "Babe there's no one there..go back to sleep.." Kris said, turning over. "But she's right he-" I said, looking back at the girl only to see that she wasn't there anymore. "Where did she go?" I asked myself. I laid back down in my sleeping bag and closed my eyes, thinking I was probably just tired.

(When it was day..)

I opened my eyes and sat up, stretching my arms. I looked at Kris and went to shake him. I screamed and pulled my hands back to me. Kyle came running to the tent and unzipped it. "Is everything okay in here-" Kyle asked, cutting himself off in shock. "Oh my God.." Kyle said, looking at Kris. I got out of my sleeping bag, crawling towards Kyle and hugging him. "Kyle, Kris is dead Kris is dead oh my fucking god!!.." I said, crying and breathing heavily. Kyle took my out the tent and tried calming me down, Jackie came out of her and Kyle's tent. "What happened? Why is y/n crying?" Jackie said, walking towards me and Kyle. "Kris is dead, Jackie.." Kyle said, still trying to calm me down. "Really!? Is this some kind of sick joke!?" Jackie said, not wanting to believe Kris was dead. "If this was a joke y/n wouldn't be crying dumbass!" Kyle said, looking at Jackie. Jackie ran towards me and Kris's tent and looked inside. "Oh my God!" Jackie said, putting her hands over her mouth.

(Two hours later..)
(Sorry for all the time skips-)

Me, Kyle and Jackie were in the same tent now, I was sleeping on Kyle's chest. "What do we do, Kyle?.." Jackie asked, worried. "I don't know Jackie, I don't know.." Kyle said, looking at me and rubbing my back with his hand.

(I lost motivation so I'll leave you guy's with a cliffhanger! YAY!)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2021 ⏰

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