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He started the truck and began to drive. The bullets rang. Q was in the top cart, shooting at any motorcycles that came their way.

As she shot the last one, thinking it was over, the war car with the in-human Immortan Joe sped up beside the War Rig. Q was confused on how they got to them so quickly after they exploded their path at the canyon, but she got ready.

She fired bullets at them as Rectus Erectus shot his machete at her and Furiosa. As she ducked down to reload her gun, Rectus shot a chain at the steering wheel at the driver's seat.

The chain latched around the wheel and Immortan drove away from the Rig. The chain was stronger as it unlatched the steering wheel, bringing the stranger's hand stuck on the wheel at the edge of the window, as Immortan kept pulling. The blood bag was clearly in pain and Furiosa and the girls tried to unlatch the chain.

Q noticed he was in clear need of help, so she took the risk. With her big, pretty gun, she walked out of the top cart, making herself visible and an easy target, she knelt down on the tank with balance.

She took great aim and shot her weapon, breaking the chain and freeing his hand. The stranger looked out the window and saw Q, standing on the tank with her gun on her shoulder.

He gave her a small side smile and a small thumbs up, she noticed and gave a short nod.

Immortan also noticed and took aim at Q, who was walking back to the top cart but still in view. He fired his gun, but she was only grazed with a deadly bullet on her right upper arm.

It hurt like hell, she gave a small cry in pain and threw herself into the top cart before he could shoot again. She was bleeding out by the lots as blood drooled out of her arm.

She tried putting her left hand over the wound so she wouldn't bleed out, but even that hurt a lot . She was in pain but was still strong.

It didn't make it any better when she saw Angharad go under her captors wheels. Q yelled out a cry as she saw the woman to her death. She wasn't a close friend of Angharad, but she still felt for the loss of herself and her child. 

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