He's So COOL! - Izuku

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While I was reading his story, which was amazing, Kacchan did the coolest thing! He used his hands to make little explosions! They went "Boom! Boom! Crash! Pfwew! Cshrrr!" He ran off, so I finished reading his story and followed him. Kacchan was showing to the class how his hands could make explosions.  I could infer that he was very proud of himself and the story he made was just the beginning. To be honest, he was purely amazing. That's why I started following him around. Sure, he bullied me. Sure, he made me cry. But was it worth it to five-year-old me? Yes. From that day on, I assumed him and I were friends. Was I wrong? Maybe. But did I care? No! I admired him. I even wrote notes on him in my spare time.

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