Part two of "Fantasy" this is where The TW goes

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  A/N hey guys 😎 sorry i havnt posted in a while- i already explained it but ya here, Its not as detailed as i thought it would be butttttttt here and tell me in the comments other ships i should do :>  i have this whole thingy planned out so ye ye oh btw suicide tw 


Miu seems as if she's enjoying it an pushes her to the bed. Kaede smirks and switches places with Miu. (A/N this is so hard to write I-) Kaede forgets this is a dream and asked " What about Keebo..?" "Who?" Miu asks. " you know your crush" Kaede says. "Silly- Your my girlfriend, the only person I have a crush on is you" Miu says. Kaede remembers. "Right.." she says. Miu continues to take of her shirt- leaving Kaede *raptured. 


Kaede is squirming in the bed blushing hard in her sleep- what the hell?  Miu thinks but then shrugs it off. Walking away weirdly.

                                                                   BACK IN THE FANTASY WORLD

Kaede is getting pinned on the bed and she cant move- Shes squirming trying to get out of her grasp but she cant. As Miu leans in to kiss her she wakes up sweating. Kaede takes a deep breath and yawns and gets up to eat something instanly seeing miu and decides to not eat breakfast or get near her. "Kaede i made yo-" Miu trys to say but is cut off to a door slamming. "She seems off.." Miu mumbles. Kaede runs out and meets with Maki telling her her wild dream. Maki seems confused at first but then catches on. "Uh wow. I think you should just confess...?" Maki says. "What?! no! she likes keebo not me" Kaede says gloomly

  A couple weeks later she still decides to ignore Miu.

Miu walks around the apartment trying to find Kaede. Kaede is sitting in her bed eating chips- With a glass of bleach beside her, mumbling to herself. Miu finds her and sits next to Kaede, who doesnt aknowlage her and drinks a bit of blech on accident and starts coughing and choking. (A/N this is where it gets serious) Kaedes eyes roll to the back of her head and she falls unconscious. Miu scrambles to call 911 sobing. "MY FRIEND IS unconscious"she stops to breath after every word. "Calm down ma'am help is on the way. what do you think happend?" Miu sobs and says "SHE DRANK BLEACH P-PLEASE HURRY" Tears fill her face, "Ma'am i want you to check if shes breathing" Miu does that and she instanly starts crying harder "S-shes not breathing..!" Miu falls to the ground heartbroken. "Help is there. I suggest to do CPR until shes in the ambulance" Miu trys to do CPR then Kaede gets loaded in the ambulance.

A couple monthes later,keade is in a coma

Miu vists her everyday eventually forgeting her crush on keebo and grows feeling for Kaede, and even confessed to her in her sleep. Until one day, March 26th exactly on her birthday she woke up- and Miu just left. She got up and walked around curious (A/N this isnt realistic ik ik)  She sees Miu and walks up to her. "Excuss me miss? where am i?" Miu turns around to see Kaede and tears fill her eyes. "K-Kaede?" Miu goes up and hugs her. "Do I know you?" Kaede asks. Miu takes this as an opportunity- "Oh. Im you girlfriend-!" Miu blushes when saying that. "I am? Im sorry i didnt recognize-" Kaedes memerious come back and she blushes vigoroiusly. "MIU!!" Kaede says as she turns red. Miu dashes away- and they did get together and adopt a kid.


A/N I know this was short but i liked it alot and i hope you did to!

Word count: 638 words 

Raptured: The feeling you get when you are in love

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