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Chapter 31: Medieval Part 7

Drew laid in the empty aisle, tears in his eyes. Sh*t, Drew. You really f*cked it up this time. He remembered the short moment he shared with Mara in The Purge, and he choked. He sat up and turned around to the direction where Mara ran off to. She was probably making out with that ginger *sshole by now. He closed his eyes. He heard soft footsteps. They came closer. And closer. When he opened his eyes, he was attacked by Mara, who wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his. Her legs wrapped around his waist, and he held her on the small of her back, scrunching the fabric of her dress with his hands. When they parted, Mara slid her hands onto Drew's wet cheeks.

"I want to be with you, too." Ding.

But we won't last. Mara thought.

Chapter 32: Fantasy

Mara and Drew woke up groggily with their limbs entangled. Jess loomed over them, snickering.

"You guys had fun during the trip? I mean, it was only a few seconds, but I guess a lot can happen." Mara rubbed her head, feeling a floral headdress.

"What's on my head?" Drew looked at Mara to answer her question, but was astonished by her beautiful costume. Her rose gold flowing hair was covered with a dainty headdress with a leafy green base. It had magenta flowers encircling a crystal headband. A small, front-covering leafy top was placed over a triangular magenta strapless corset. Her skirt was low-waisted and floor length, showing off her curves. A green vine spiraled around her arm. On her wrist was a small butterfly design. Delicate transparent-green wings sprouted from her open back. 

"What?" Mara asked blushing, questioning Drew's stare, as she knew exactly 'what'.

"You look beautiful." Drew took Mara's chin, brought it close to his, and gently kissed her.

"You don't look too bad yourself, Peter Pan." It was true. Drew did resemble Peter Pan in a sense. His headdress and hair were similar to Mara's. He wore a cropped leafy vest with the same flowers. His capri pants were the same shade of green as the vest, and were cuffed with vines, which also circled his arm. He had an intricate tribal rose pattern tattoo on his shoulder, and his shoes were woven from leaves. He also had the same set of dragonfly-esque wings.

Chapter 33: Fantasy Part 2

Suddenly, there was a rumbling in the forest. The trees shuddered and shook in their roots, their leaves ripping off of their branches. Clanky footsteps grew louder as an army of decorated men and women careened into the forest, brandishing glistening swords, knives, and canons. Behind Drew and Mara, another rumbling grew. This one was followed by ethereal white unicorns carrying elves and nymphs, each holding a sparkling staff with a glowing orb. Right before their eyes, dozens of people were slaughtered, magical acidic rain pouring down onto the blood-saturated ground. The dirt was littered with peg-legs and clipped wings and elven ears. Mara clutched onto Drew's tattooed shoulder, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Help us, warriors!" A tall, female water nymph with a thick accent called out to Mara and Drew. They stood up, not knowing what to do, picked up a staff from the ground, and began attacking the pirates with streaks of blazing light.

"Mystise! Harmonia! Over here! Come quick!" Mara and Drew bolted across the forest, back and forth, trying to take on as many pirates as possible, but they were gravely outnumbered. It also didn't help that the pirates had modern weapons, and the elves and nymphs had weird orbs that only worked half the time, and required ten times as much energy as a sword. Realizing this, Mara traded her staff for a bloodied sword and charged. Soon, there were hundreds of dead bodies on the ground. The water nymph ordered the troops to retreat, and both sides backed down. The battle was over, and the nymphs had clearly lost.

Chapter 34: Fantasy Part 3

"Syrinx! No, please!" A sun-elf named Polydora was crouched over the body of Syrinx, her brother. Her tears caught fire as they streamed down her bronzed cheeks, singing the dead grass as they fell. She laid her head on his motionless chest and closed her eyes. Mara huddled against Drew and put her head on his shoulder as she looked at the sad sight. He put his arm around her and nuzzled his chin in her hair. The water nymph came over to the body and moved her hands over Syrinx's still chest. Strings of water swirled around his wounds, cleaning them and sealing them. The dirt was lifted from his handsome face, and he seemed peaceful. Polydora bowed to the water nymph.

"Thank you, Naida." Naida. That was her name. She must have been the leader. She was beautiful. Despite her age her pale blue skin was seamless and flawless. The fabric of her dress appeared to be made of a waterfall, the layers of tulle flowing down into a cloudy white hem. Her shiny hair cascaded down endlessly, wrapping around her neck and shoulders like a gorgeous sleek shawl. Her eyes threw Mara off. They were different from the rest of her appearance. The graceful, gentle aesthetic of her clothes was contrasted by the stark power and pain held in Naida's eyes. They were storm grey, and deeper than the depths of the Mediterranean. They held trauma and memories from past lives. Her irises flickered with raw power and courage. She was an inspiration. She turned to Mara and Drew.

"Get some rest, Harmonia. That was some very courageous fighting. You as well, Mystise." She bowed and walked away. Mara's stomach fluttered, having a thought. She turned to Drew and grabbed his chin with her thumb and index finger, pulling his face close. She whispered in his ear.

"Let's go get some rest, Mystise." Drew's eyes went wide and he smirked. Hand in hand, they walked into the most ethereal village they had ever seen. Mara felt like she was in a Tinker Bell movie. Each small cottage floated a few feet off the ground, suspended by thick branches. Each house was the same, entangled in vines and flowers. In the center was the biggest tree in existence. Huge branches sprouted to hold each house, as well as small stores, alchemist shops, and eateries. Lanterns floated in mid-air, casting a romantic dim light into the crisp dusk air. A small pink elf flew over to Mara and Drew, looking excited.

"Mystise! Harmonia! You're back! Come see your new cottage!" The pink elf gave them a tour. There was a small kitchen with an adorable round wooden table. The bedroom was small and cozy, the bed being suspended with thick vines. It rocked gently, swinging back and forth in the warm musty air. On the ceiling of the bedroom was a window with a glass cap. Perfect for seeing the stars at night. The only other thing in the house was a small bathroom. The elf, Floria, waved goodbye and flew back to her house. Once she was gone, Drew turned to Mara and looked at her curiously. He then smiled and wrapped his hands around her face, passionately gliding them to the back of her neck as he kissed her. Mara parted from him and smirked.

"You've waited since fifth grade for this, haven't you, you little perv?"

Chapter 35: Fantasy Part 4

Mara unstrung her skirt to reveal a leaf-woven undergarment enlaced with small peonies. Her top fell, and her magenta corset stood in its place. She placed her headdress on the nightstand and tackled Drew onto the rocking mattress. He shrugged off his leafy vest and grabbed Mara by the waist, laughing as they pulled themselves close. Mara weaved her hands through Drew's hair, undoing his rose manbun, his waves twirling down to frame his chiseled face. Drew continued to kiss Mara, each kiss warming her heart even more than the last. He moved down her neck and onto her collarbone, where Mara then picked up his chin and brought his lips back to hers. As the night grew darker, Mara sat herself up between Drew's legs and leaned back onto his warm chest. She placed her head on his neck and turned to kiss him.

"Close your eyes." Drew whispered. Mara obeyed. While she wasn't looking, Drew pulled down the beaded string that opened the roof cap. It creaked open and a cool breeze wafted into the room. Drew gently kissed Mara's eyes, and she opened them, smiling.

"It's amazing." Drew wrapped his arms around Mara and nuzzled his face into her hair. She laughed and kept looking at the stars.

"Drew, I need to tell you something." Drew looked over.

"Hold on. Look! A shooting star!"

"Yeah, cool. But really, I need to-" Drew kissed Mara again.

"Don't talk." Disappointed, Mara's eyes grew tired, and she fell asleep, protected by Drew's arms. Once he knew she was asleep, Drew whispered.

"I love you." Mara heard him, and a tear rolled down her cheek.

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