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Technically this isn't really about Johnny I just liked this short story I wrote :)
Warnings: none
Kinda sad

The two walked side by side both desperately longing for the others touch, but too scared to do anything about it. He was deeply in love with her, but for her... she only loved the idea of him. She craved his love but how could she love him when she doesn't even love herself?

How could she turn him away? How could she stand to let the only person that truly loves her leave? Just because she can't love him back. She loves the way he looks at her, like he could just watch her for hours. Like his whole world has been encased in this one person. She loved his touch. The way he's so gentle and loving with her. Because he knows she could shatter at any moment.

She loved that he loved her.

But she didn't love him.

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