just as the students started their test on triangles and whatever the fuck they are learning, Colton leaves the room to go to the teachers lounge real fast ( super sonic speed). Siedel Follows , creepily on her limpin ass pimping looking bad looking shaky mc boney ass down the hallway behind Colton. Colton takes a quick glance at the granny ass looking bitch and wonders.... Is she tryna get the moves like jagger rn?..... and he tests the theory. he runs in the lounge and goes in the bathroom and doesn't close the door fully to see if she follows. she does and they go AT IT. good thing she went through menopause you dumb ass motherfucking ass hoe bitch cause you'd be pregnant with 72948028595 babies cause god DAYUM, Colton hit that hard. they never came back to class that period cause they were too busy playing dress up, or should i say dress downnnnnnnnn😼